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After Dad and I had caught up about everything we'd missed in our lives, I introduced him to Mia and the rest of the people new in my life.

Dylan seemed a bit on edge about meeting him. He knew what he had done and he was scared that he would make me sad again.

He was just being protective but Julian and Emit were calming him down.

"So I'm a grandfather now?"

"Well yeah I'd guess so, I mean I have a daughter..." I replied awkwardly.

"So has she started crawling of walking, I mean how far along is she?"

"Well she crawls, I guess she's making progress to make her first step. She knows how to get our attention so..."

Talking to my dad, trying to make conversation was a bit awkward but I guess we were starting fresh.


It's been a month since Julian had proposed and we were starting. Julian had got his suit with a thin tie. It was grey suit with a dark blue tie.

Trent, Will, Jayden, Zach and Emitt were the best men. Yes he has more than one. What we wanted to be different.

I had asked Molly, Rhiannon, Mikayla, Ella and Harriet to be my brides maids. I'd also asked Dylan and my Dad to walk me down the aisle. Yes I'm having two.

Savannah was being flower girl even though she was 14. Jakeb was going to the page boy.

Molly was away with Liam for 2 days and Ella and Harriet had to go back to Melbourne to see family. Mikayla, Rhiannon and I were looking for brides maids dresses today.

"Mikayla where's Tyler been?" Rhainnon asked. I hadn't seen him in ages. Last time I saw him was when I left for my holiday and Mikayla had told us she was pregnant and raped.

"He left me, went back to the Gold Coast. He thought I created on him and that's why I got pregnant. He wasn't at all what he seemed to be..." She chocked back her tears.

"Don't talk about it it's okay." We comforted her.

As we were looking through dresses. We found a perfect strapless dark blue dress. It was a mid thigh cut and I could feel it would just be perfect.

"I think it's the one!" We all stared at it feeling the fabrics.

We decided we would get 5 on hold so every one could try them on before we bought them. Everyone was going to be back by next week so we were getting it ready then.

We also found the perfect wedding dress for me there. It was plain traditional white. One strap and flowed down to the ground perfectly. It was simple, exactly what I wanted! So I HAD to try it on!

"What do you guys think?" I realised they had covered their mouths. "What? Is it bad?" They paused for awhile before answering.

"AUBREE IT'S PERFECT!" They said in sync.

I looked at myself in the mirror. It hugged me in all the right spots and for once I thought my figure looked good.

"I think I'll get it. Am I aloud to keep it on hold till the same time next week?" I wondered.

"Yes! Of course. You look stunning by the way! Your fiancé is very lucky."

I passed the dress back to the lady who I believed was named

"Thank you for your help today! We will see you next week!"

As we exited to window as I went to cross the street the girls pulled me back to stop me from crossing.

I was a bit confused but then I realised Julian's car was coming around the corner.

"Cake tasting anyone?" He said while pulling up.

"Well sure!" I hoped in the car saying goodbye to the girls and Julian drove us to a cake store were he had planned us to go cake tasting.

We were all back home. Our holiday ended a bit earlier than we had planned thanks to Julain's big surprise.

As soon as we walked in my nose was filled with the smell of freshly made cakes. Warm from the oven was even better.

"I kind of came here a little earlier, I know most of your family only like dark chocolate so I checked if the could get one made special..." Julian spoke as a beautiful cake had come out.

"Julian... I love you. I think your my soul mate." I spoke in between kisses.

As he feed me the cake, it completely melted in my mouth. The taste was exactly what I like and thanks to Julian I think we just found the perfect cake too.

"Do you like it?" He asked.

"Love it!"

"I was thinking about maybe just getting three layers, get smaller as they go up. With red roses for decorations. Like this photo here..." He pointed to a design that was beautiful. I knew he had thought about it and I thought he did a good job.


As we were hoping into the car he placed an envelope in my lap.

"Whats this?" I asked picking the envelope up.

"Open it." He smiled while starting the car up.

As I opened it I saw a photo of a private beach Julian and I had one of our first dates on. As I flipped to the next page I saw that he had set a date for our wedding.

This beach wasn't just where we shared one of our dates. It's where we shared our first kiss. He had set a picnic up and we had a candlelit dinner.

"Remember it's where we had our first kiss..." He spoke. "It's also where we will spend our first kiss as a married couple."

He had thought this through. He had thought about the perfect wedding. I was deeply inlove with him.

"Aubree do you like it?" I looked into his eyes, feeling a tear running down my cheek.

"Julian, its perfect!" I kissed him passionately.

"Keep looking then..." He said smiling into my kiss.

As I flipped to the next page I saw he had also booked our honey moon to Fiji! At a 5 star hotel and it was along the beach too!

"Oh my god! Julian don't kill me before the wedding!" I joked.

"I'll try not too!" He spoke kissing my hands as I buried my face in them.

"Did you check the wedding date?" I flipped back to the dates.

"IN THREE WEEKS!" I yelled.

"To early?" He seemed scared.

"No I think it's too long... but it's still perfect." I said.

"Jesus I can't wait to finally call you my wife."

We kissed as he drove us home to a sleepy Mia and a sleepy Keeda and Zach on our couch.

Heaven Help MeOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz