The move

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It's been 3 weeks since Julian and I had bought the house. We are now moving in tomorrow and I can't shut my eyes one little bit! I'm so excited, we will be one big happy family and then Emit will move into my room, so he will be living with Dylan, Rhiannon and Mikayla... I guess Jayden and Tyler since they are there everyday too.

My alarm went of louder than an atomic bomb! Well in my head, I hit snooze then my eyes shot open! TODAY I WAS MOVING! Even better I was moving in with Julian, I know we practically lived together but this time it was official! We also had something to share together, not just a home but our own beautiful baby girl.

I got up and jumped in the shower, with Mia too so she wasnt left alone. This was her first shower with me, since Julian took the first honour of that. I got out of the shower and put Mia into a really cute short jumpsuit, i was black with white writing. The writing said things like 'Gorgeous' 'Beautiful 'Loved' 'Perfect' and all other things. i then put these little red sock like shoes that Rhiannon bought her. SHE LOOKED SO ADORABLE! Then for me, i chucked on Julian's white V neck shirt, red shorts, of course black converse and i put my hair into a high pony tail.

I heard the front door screatch closed, and then Rhiannon ran into my room,

" OH MY GOD AUBREE! GUESS THE HELL WHAT!!!!!" She said jumping up and down with joy.

"What did Jayden do now...' I laughed, rolling my eyes and putting Mia into her pram.

"NOOO! Jayden did nothing... like literally, he hasn't even woke up yet! BUT, your moving in with JULIANNNNNN!" She said while getting higher pitched as her sentence went on. Sometimes I really thought she was a bit stupid but i hugged her laughing,

"I know babe! After all I am the one moving in!" I said sounding a little like a smart ass.

"Well i knew you knew, but I just like to point things out." She was right, she LOVED pointing the obvious out! Rhiannon, Mikayla, Dylan, Emit, Jayden and obviously Julian were helping us move in today, I know it won't take one day since we are just starting to pack and move stuff half way across town but I was so excited! I could tell Rhiannon was too.

We started packing clothes first, since I'm very organised everythign was already folded so we just needed boxes. We had a heap of boxes in the living room area near my room so we were all set!

"Aubree! Where do I put this bo..WOOOOOO!" Rhiannon screamed out, I walked out of my bedroom to see clothes flying all over the room and Rhiannon laying on top of the now useless box. I laughed so hard i almost peed my pants! Luckily those clothes are from 2 years ago and I'd well grown out of them, so we just grabbed them and chucked them into a plastic bag.

After we hd cleared out all my wardrobes and draws, we called Julian to tell him to bring the moving truck over,

"HEEEEEY RHIANNON!!!" Julian said sounding like a complete idiot.

"Dude when does Rhiannon ever call you?" I said laughing,

"I dream okay Aubree! Nahhh jokes, what do you want now?"

"Just bring the truck around! Alright, love you!" I replied.

"Sure thing cupcake, love you too!" He hung up the phone.

Rhiannon and I continued with Mia's clothes, luckily she doesn't have a lot. Then after we finished those, Julian arrived with the truck, Emit stumbbled through the door with Dylan pushing him from behind. Julian straight away grabbed the boxes as he wanted to get the move over and done with, so he could just live with Mia and I already.

"Aubree! Looking very casual today!" Emit stated.

"Yes, Emit. I can dress normal sometimes." I replied, he was such a nice guy. Him and Dylan were PERFECT!

"Hey babe!" Dylan said while hugging me, we have made a really close bond me and him. Sometimes i thought he was the boy version of me, just a couple years older... and looked nothing like me.

"HEEEY! Have you got all of Emit's stuff ready to move into my room?" As Emit only needed his clothes because he was going to use the furnitue that was already in there.

"Yeah! Of course, I made him pack like 3 days early!" We both laughed, then they went to get Emit's stuff and started moving in.

I hopped into the passenger sit of the truck with Julian, he just looked at me and let out a slight giggle.

"What? Is there soemthing on my face?" I asked quickly.

"NO! Everythings perfect!" He let out.

"Then why did you laugh?" I said while putting on a confussed face.

"No, I've just been waiting for this moment since the first day I layed eyes on you!" He said, he let out a big grin and I started to blush. I leant in and rested my head on his shoulder while wrapping my arms around his.

After a good 8 hours of packing and moving things to our new house. We had done at least half the work. Now we just needed to go collect the furniture we ordered to complete the look of out house. Julian dropped me off at my house and I was spending one last night in this house. Rhiannon and I were on the couch when we heard Mikayla get home. THANK GOD! We were worried, she was supposed to help us move!

"MIKAYLA!!! WHERE WERE YOU!!!!" Rhiannon yelled while pouncing and hugging her.

"Yeah dude! I moved my stuff to my new house!!! I can't believe you missed it." I said.

"Guys we need to talk." She lead us to the dining room table, and sat us down.

"Okay so the reason I wasn't there was... I'm pregnant!" Rhiannon and I gave each other the look.

"OH MY GOD! TELL TYLER CONGRATULATIONS!!!" We yelled in sync with each other.

"No guys it isn't his!!!" She said being real serious.

"What!?!?!?!" We screamed.

"I got raped!"

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