Back to Bondi

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We drove back to Bondi a couple of days later, with trucks full of furniture and moving boxes. Julian had decided we would move back and also I offered Dylan a room at my house and Julian had said he would let Emit sleep at his house, so our family just doubled its size. I'd lost weight from my pregnancy and was back to my skinny self again.

Julian drove one of the trucks with the boxes and Emit drive the other, while Dylan, Mia and I were driving Julian's car. Since I can't drive Dylan was, Julian had a really cool car, it was vintage, a valiant, blue interior, white outside, no roof and three seats front and back! Mia was in the middle of us two.

Me wearing black ray bands, blue faded to green shirts and a plain black tshurt low cut sides. My messy bun was flowing in the wind and Dylan decided to blast some Collective songs through the speakers. Dylan and me were acting all dramatic singing with sad faces and our hands reaching out, obviously he still had his hands on the wheel!

Julian then drove up besides us an sung along, he started pissing his self, thank god we were the only people on the free way or it would have been a bit embarrassing...

Emit then honked his horn and speeded off, Julian followed as they often like to show off and compete with each other. Dylan speeded off down the middle of the boys and I through my hands in the air

"WOOOOOOOOOO!!!!" I screamed at the top of my lungs. Dylan and I sat their pissing out selfs, I loved this kid, even though I barely knew him.

When we arrived back at Bondi I was meet by Rhiannon, Mikayla, Molly, Jayden, Tyler, Will, Trent, Zach, my sister Savannah, my brother Jakeb and Jenifer. They all got to meet Mia, Tyler and Emit. I could tell Jakeb seemed to really like her, even bough his my half brother, he isn't touching her!

I missed this, my friends and family, being with them. It made me realise how much I did love Julian too! He got along with everyone so perfectly! None of my family disliked him, they were all so close! Dylan and Emit also got on with everyone else! I was so proud about this! Of course Julian had plans and had to take me away from the fun. He told me he was going to take me shopping so I was pretty pumped!

When we pulled up at the shops, he ran and pulled me out of his car! He grabbed my hand and walked in front of me pulling stupid faces. I laughed and he stood back besides me and I cuddled into his strong muscly arms.

He walked past all the shops he knew I liked, I was feeling pretty confused at the moment.

"And here is our appointment!" He opened the door to a real estate with a huge grin on his face. I just followed him to an office and I just sat there waiting to hear what was happening.

"Take a look at these houses!" Julian pointed at four houses that were laying on the desk. Was he really doing what I thought he was doing.

"I like this one! It's amazing!" I pointed to the photo of a house that had a pool, 4 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, water fountains out the front, a nice decking, balcony from the master bedroom, a big kitchen and a fair sized backyard! It was like my dream house, along the sand on Bondi too! PERFECT!

"We will buy it!" Julian told the sales men, I looked at him puzzled,

"Nice choice, one of the finest houses in this area!" As we walked out after Julian handed in a check, I had to ask what he was doing,

"What just happened!?!?" He stood face to me, rested his forehead on mine, leant towards my ear and whispered sweetly,

"Will you move in with me?" Then kissed my neck as I nodded.

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