Midnight Beach

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The gasps, the screams that left my mouth. The facial expressions I thought I would never make and of course the words I never thought I'd hear.

She explained what happened but I wasn't listening all to much, I was thinking the whole time. Who would do that? Who's the bastard that did it? Where is he now so I can take him to f****n jail!? But most importantly... what did she tell tyler!

"Does Tyler know!?" Rhiannon asked, I could tell the same things were going through her mind as we're going through mine.

"No..." She replied in a quiet voice.


"I will... I'm just scared I'm pregnant." She pointed out.

"We'll get you a test then but I have to go, love yous both." I kissed them goodbye and walked to the beach. I know I was supposed to stay there but I need time to myself.

I laid on the sand for awhile, watching the night sky light up with shining stars. The waves wear crashing and everything was so peace full, I was almost asleep. Then I was disturbed by young teenage boys making noise, as their figures become closer, the older they looked, more familiar they looked.

"AUBREE!!!!" A familiar voice said. I opened one eye to see Dylan and Emit walking towards me.

"GUYS! What are you doing here?" I asked while getting up to hug them.

"Was just about to ask the same thing." Emit stated.

"Well it was date night so we went out for a nice little dinner date!" Dylan said with a huge smile on his face staring Ito Emits Blue eyes.

"AWWW! Well this is cute!" I said smiling.

"When do you not say that about our dates!?" Dylan wondered.

"Never... you love it. Hey what about dinner with us and Julian tomorrow?" I wondered, I'd just have to get Mia somewhere to stay.

"YEAH SOUNDS GOOD!" The said with their voices in sync.

"Sorry babe I'be got to go home and finish getting my last couple of things, sorry love you!" Emit said while kissing Dylan passionately.

"Love you too!" Dylan yells while waving frantically. "Don't say it!"

"Say what!? What are you on about!" I said, we both laughed because I knew exactly what he meant.

Dylan and I laid down on the sand, watching the stars, having one of our deep conversations, summing up life and joking around about our past memories. It was a midnight beach session We decided that we would get our parents to meet, well his parents and my step mum. Since they never have, but little did we know there was a bit more to our friendship

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