A Runner to a new beginning

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After our anniversary we stayed on the boat for 2 weeks since the first night was so perfect. We got back, I was tanned, beach waves from swimming everyday, it was a good little holiday. I got home, no Rhiannon, no Tyler, no Julian because he had to go see his parents for a family dinner. I had the house to myself... it was weird I thought I'd heard talking a couple of times, whispers in my ears and movement. I was a little freaked out so I walked around the house with a broom in my hand...just incase! I heard a slight giggle and I turned, and the door to where Jayden used to sleep shut! I charged into the room, no one to be seen!

"GET THE HELL OUT OF MY HOUSE WHO EVER YOU ARE!!!!" I heard the laughing still then BANG! I was on the ground,

"WILL! TRENT! ZACH!!!" It was the rest of the boys the had gone on holiday's to Queensland. THE BOYS ARE BACK! I was so happy, but it also meant less time with Julian...

"Well we just came to check up on you, after all your like our little sister in-law, catch up soon yeah?" Said Will,

"Aww Will, yeah double saying with Ellise and you soon?" I asked,

"HEY! What about me and Keeda?" Wondered Zach,

"Triple dating then! haha" Me and Will said in sync,

"And I'll be dating my bed thanks!" Joked Trent.

We said our goodbyes and they were off out the door. I was going through my calendar, I felt like something was missing, I've forgotten something...

SHIITTT! I've missed my period! I ran out the door straight to the pharmacy down the road, grabbed a pregnancy test and ran home. I know it's only been two weeks but hopefully I can tell.

I walked around the bathroom, butting my nails, waiting anxiously and I realised the results were shown... POSITIVE!!!

I was pregnant! I was scared Julian's career was going to be jeopardized, I packed all my bags, grabbed a taxi and drove to my Grandma's beach house, she had passed away recently and left it for me. It was a good 4 hours away from everyone! I didn't want Julian and my relationship to end like this but I'm not going to ruin his career! That night I called Rhiannon & Mikayla, told them where I was and yet promised not to tell Julian, I left the rest of covering up to them.

*Two Months Later*

Being by myself while being pregnant really sucked! I'm just starting to get. morning sickness, the baby is starting to kind of kick, I'm eating like a goat who can't get enough grass! I'm realizing how different my moods are, & how quickly I can change my moods now, and it's just really draining me! Every time the baby kicks, I get a flash back of memories with Julian. I call Rhiannon & Mikayla, they tell me it's hard to keep my secret hidden, but Julian hasn't found out for sure. I missed him and in a way I wish I didn't leave, but it was really for the best. I was all alone now, I couldn't have Julian back, he probably hates me and has a new girlfriend, that's what really broke my heart!

~Julian's Pov~

It's feels like forever since I've seen Aubree, I miss her, I miss her lips locked with mine, I miss our bodies intwined together. Rhiannon & Mikayla both said they haven't heard from her, which is unusual... The boys for sure haven't or else they would tell me, I hope. I've texted her over an over again, I'm worried what if something's happened to her, what if she hated me and couldn't stand me no longer? What did I do to deserve this? I just wanted to hold her close to me again, even of she didn't want ... I just miss it. I haven't gotten out of the house for a month now, I've only gotten out of my bed for food or the toilet, I sit there watching ever one of our favourite movies over and over again, listening to our songs we sung along to in the car. As Long As You Love Me came blasting through my speakers...

As long as you love me, we could be starving, we could be homeless, we could be broke... I skipped it, I didn't have anyone to love me, at least not any more she probably thought I was just bad and now my career is going down in a heap! I cried myself to sleep, I sometimes thought of dying, but I couldn't do that. It's just not an option!

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