Was I Dreaming?

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It's the eight month through my pregnancy and the baby is healthy and a good size. I'm feeling less alone lately. I was done at the shops and I bumped into someone who looked really fimilar, I don't know why or how I know him but I had to ask him who he was. It turns out we had no connection before them but we have stayed in touch. His names Dylan, his gay! He is such a nice guy and his been there for me a lot lately, his helping me get through the whole Julian thing, he knows about everything that's happened. Except every time I talk about it he acts really weird... We were setting up the baby's nursery, pink and baby green everywhere on the walls. We were laughing and talking, I suddenly felt sad, and I started rubbing my belly.

"What's wrong?" He asked

"Nothing... Just missing Julian you know?" I replied still rubbing my stomach.

"Hm... Don't worry, you have me, Mikayla, Molly and Rhiannon to be at the birth! Everything will be fine!" He told me then gave me a kiss on the forehead.

Everytime I brought up Julian's name the baby started to kick, I guess she just wanted to know who he was... Maybe she already knew.

I went for my last check up at the doctors today, and she said I could deliver at any time. Funny about that... That night I started getting bad, bad contractions.

Dylan drove me to the hospital as soon as he could. I texted Rhiannon, Mikayla and Molly to get to the hospital fast before it was too late. I guess Rhiannon kind of had to tell jayden where she was going, since it was 3:00am...

~15 Months after leaving~

I've had my baby, its a beautiful girl. her names Mia. She's gorgeous! She is now 6 months old and she has Julians blue eyes and his lips. Her god father is Dylan and her God mothers are Molly, Rhiannon & Mikayla. Looking at her beautiful face everyday makes my heart melt inside, she looks more like Julian everyday. I wish she knew her father, I wish it didn't have to be like this. But now the closest thing she had to a father was Dylan.

The door started knocking and I was pretty confused as to no one comes here unless its Dylan except he usually just walks in...

"Who's there?!" No one answered me, Dylan picked up Mia and looked as confused as I did.

I opened the door to Pouring rain and thunder smashing, I looked up to see the one person who I thought I'd never see again... Julian...

"Aubree, do you want me to go into another room?" Asked Dylan,

"Yeah if that's alright?" I replied, Dylan put Mia into her jump chair and walked down the hall way into my room.

"What are you doing here?" It's the only thing I could think of saying, my mind raced with thoughts, how much I missed him, all my reasons for leaving, all the things I planned to say if this day came, but that's all that came out, he stared at me for a few seconds.

"Well Rhiannon told Jayden where you were, he couldn't keep it from me and told me. So I woke up today knowing I'd see you again, even if it was for the last time, I just wanted to see your face one last time." I was shocked, I thought he would hate me! When it was actually quite the opposite... he felt the same as me! He came inside and heard Mia making noises, he followed the noise, he gave me this look... He was so confused.

"She's not yours..." I quickly muttered,

"Really Aubree? Who else were you with like that 15 months ago?" He said with anger in his voice.

"I know she's mine, she looks exactly how I did when I was born... Don't lie to me, please. Can we just talk?" He said as Dylan walked out into the living room, I knew exactly what he was going to say.

"That's Dylan, his not my new boyfriend! His been supporting me since I've been crying, been sad because I'd missed you. His gay..." Julian quickly cut in,

"I know his name and I know his Gay, his Emit, my brothers boyfriend!" Well that's one thing Dylan forgot to tell me too... before words came out of my mouth Julian asked if we could sit down, Dylan took Mia and fed her a bottle in her room.

"So..." I said awkwardly, he grabbed my hand.

"I've been missing you." He said with a tear coming down his face, I said nothing back, because I knew if I did I would start crying aswell so I looked away. I heard him do a little giggle.

"What's so funny?" I asked

"Nothing, I just, can't believe this is really happening."

"I didn't want to ruin your career..." I said to him as he looked at me with a serious face,

"This would never ruin my career... It would just make me stronger" a smile crossed my face and tears came streaming down my cheeks as he did the same. He reached over and hugged me, I looked at him in his eyes.

"I love you, Julian" I told him slowly.

"I love you too, Aubree" he gave me a kiss on my forehead.

We got up and he grabbed my hand as I showed him to Mia's room. I asked Dylan if he could give us a moment together and Julian held Mia in his arms, he was admiring her face, then kissed her little nose, a tear dropped down his face,

"It's okay my beautiful girl, daddy's here now... You're safe" he told her, he sung her a lullaby until she fell into deep sleep. I gave her a kiss and so did he, and he layed her down softly into her crib.

"Goodnight princess" I said as we walked out of the room.

Julian stopped me in the corridor and pressed his lips on mine, until he stopped,

"You don't know how long I've waited for that" he said as he smiled and I smiled back, he kissed me again,

"Me too, babe." I replied.

Was I dreaming?

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