Finding her

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~Julian's Pov~

As I got home from seeing my cousin Ariana again, she's been trying to help me with the whole Aubree thing, I ran straight upstairs past the boys. Tears streaming down my face, as each drop of my emotions poured out of my eye sockets. I dived onto my bed and within a few minutes later I heard the door creak open.

"Who is it?" I covered the light out of my eyes trying to notice who it was, I just heard footsteps rushing over.

"Ok so Jules, it's time for a little Jaydo to Jules D'n'M time! So don't say a word till I'm done!" I nodded and raised my eyebrows. "When I was with Rhiannon a couple if months ago we were lying in bed and I heard her phone go off, it was about 3am or so in the morning" He blurted out,

"What does this have anything to do with me?" I quickly muttered and crashed back down onto my pillow.

"Well... I was looking at the message and it was aubree" my head shot up and my eyes shot open as I heard her beautiful name.

"WHAT!?" I said with a smile growing on my face, she wasn't missing, she was safe but why did she leave?

"I guess I can't keep it in much longer" Jayden said as he slowly left the room to go out with Will to see Ellise, "but trust me... You're in for a bit of a shock..." He closed the door leaving the rest of the information unknown. I finally was looking at the address of where the love of my life has been for the last 15 months! What did he mean by a shock? I closed my eyes not even letting myself think too hard or ahead of myself an drifted off into deep sleep.

~BEEP BEEP BEEP~ My alarm sounded as i pressed snooze and rubbed my tired eyes. today i knew was the day I'd see her again, the one that's been on my mind 24/7 for everyday the last 15 months! I chucked on whatever clothes I found, hopped into the car and set of on my journey to find Aubree!

I styled my hair quickly and made my way down to my car. I got in and shut the door as I let out a deep breath while turning the car on with my key. I set off in the pouring rain, it took so long to get there... Longer then I actually thought. As soon as I got to the house praying that it was the right one, I stumbled up the path to the front door as I heard her loud laugh just over the sound of the rain. She was with someone... A guy. Maybe that was the shock I had been waiting for. As I turned around I heard her laugh again, which made me full of anger. I walked right up to her door and knocked, as she opened it she said nothing for a few seconds. She looked stunned and my stomach turned. After saying a few words she finally let me in, I saw a beautiful baby girl on her little bouncer, now I knew the shock... It wasn't just any baby, it was my baby.

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