The Break-Up?

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I woke up late not feeling hungry, which was a little unusual for me. Everyone else was already awake and making to much noise in the lounge room. I forgot our families were leaving early this morning and I missed them leave too.

I slumped out of bed and left my hair in it's messy bun and chucked on my bathers with a light orange v-neck that was once owned by Julian....

I walked out to see that Emit was washing what I'm guessing breakfast dishes, Dylan was on his computer doing who know what and Julian was being the perfect father he is.

"Come here bubba! Come on! Look who it is, it's Mumma!" Julian said with his baby voice as he ran up to her and flew her like an aeroplane into my arms.

"Hey baby girl! You look cute! Im guessing your dad didn't dress you..." I playfully said giggling at Julian's reaction.

"HEY! I dress her good...... and no I didn't dress her Dylan did..." He paused

"Yes she does look cute thanks to me!" Dylan yelled while raising his hand.

Julian had planed for Mia to be looked after by Dylan and Emit so he could 'talk' to me on the beach. It sounded serious and I'm feeling a little nervous right about now.

As we walked hand in hand on to the sandy surface, I noticed Julian had planned this well. He set up a picnic and I could see strawberrys and melted chocolate set up. He knew me too well....

"Sit down and eat your unhealthy or healthy breakfast! Or both! Which ever you'd prefer." We did a cute giggle as he feed me a strawberry covered in warm chocolate. It literally melted in my mouth.

"Oh my god! Get on that shit! It's melting away I don't even have to chew right now!" I said barley being able to understand anything that just escaped my mouth. Julian obviously got what I said as he pointed to the food, hoping I'd repay the favour, lucky for him I did.

After a little bit of laughter and covering eachothers face in chocolate he got to what he ended to tell me.

"Ok so, I brought you here to tell you the truth about the promise ring..." He pronounced.

"Wait? What?!?" I blurted out.

"Shhh let me speak...... thank you. Ok so the truth about the ring on your finger is different to what you think.... That night I had everything set up, it seemed perfect, then when I was about to ask you I got nervous and changed it to promise ring. It didn't mean to come out like that, it rolled off my tongue. What I really meant to say was engagement ring.... I thought it was time, I knew it was time but I didn't think you wanted it...." He slowly stopped speaking.

He was waiting for me to say something I could tell...

"Wait so we could have been engaged right now? And having Mia wouldn't of been a unplanned thing? She would have been planned? I wouldn't of had to run away and we could be living happily ever after married? Is that what you mean to tell me?" I spilled out my anger.

"No Aubree! I wanted it I really did! I was just nervous! It was nerves! Please understand!" He looked at me with puppy eyes! Unlucky for him it never works on me.

"Awkward for you I never said you didn't want it Julian! I can't believe you!"

I stormed off tears streamed down my face and I ran through the front door, grabbed on to Dylan's wrist and ran into my bedroom and locked all ways in.

I told him everything that happened and he knew he shouldn't say anything he just held me close to him and let me cry my heart out all over his shoulder. He understood me, his like my brother but my bestfriend. I don't know what to label our friendship but it's under the categorie of 'Dont let go of.' His like my family, we've grown up together so I guess that explains why he gets me so much.

We fixed my makeup and changed his now soaking T-shirt. He decided we would go to the supermarket and get loads of chocolate, Nutella and hot chocolate. We also rented some movies. Five year engagement, Dark shadows and Lilo & Stitch with a night full of chocolate couldn't get any better right now... well it be better if Julian and I weren't fighting.

After we rented the movies we put them in my tie dyed back pack and walked into the supermarket. As we walked out the chocolate aisle laughing at what some dudes shirt said Dylan quickly pulled me behind the entry to the frozen section for our ice cream.

"What are you doing?" I questioned.

"This may sound very weird right now especially because we're bestfriends and pretty much related... but my ex girlfriend from high school is down this aisle and I need you to be my fake girlfriend!" He rushed out bursting for air.

"Dude? Tell her your gay?" I wondered.

"Yeah sorry but no, not this ex she's different!" He was begging, after all anything for family right?

"Fine! I'll do it but you owe me!" I admitted.

We awkwardly got ready to walk down, the only way that it wasn't as awkward was for us to hold hands. I pointed to her secretly and he nodded his head.

"Oh my god! Dylan! No way! I haven't seen you in like forever!" I kind of found it funny because his ex is the kind of girl he hates. The one that chews her bubble gum really loud and is a orange tanned, blonde bitch. I could tell she was the bitch by the look she gave me.

"Oh my god! Jessica right?" Oh ouch gotta hurt he played the 'had so many girlfriends I forgot your name' card.

"Ughhhh... yeah. We went out for like 6 months in high school!? Remember?" She gave him the evil eye. I was trying so hard not to laugh right now.

"Oh yeah right 9th grade? Anyways of that subject this is Aubree my girlfriend."

Nice one Dylan, he was good at this.... a little to good.

"Hi nice to meet you!" I came in.

"Sorry but you guys look more related than together.... how long have you been together?" She asked raising one eyebrow.

"2 years actually! But we have been what some people say 'childhood sweethearts' we've known each other since we were born!" I confidently said.

There was no holding me back right now. I did not like her. If I could I would punch her for no apparent reason at all... says a lot about me not liking orange tans. I don't take the fumes well, it makes my hate senses tingle.

"Well then, if you wouldn't mind kiss!?" She said thinking she was so smart. So close to making contact on her face with my fist right now.

Dylan and I awkwardly turned our heads and kissed for at least 3 seconds. I've got to admit for a brother he kisses damn good.

As we separated out lips she angrily stomped away in her stupid wedge thong like things.

Fist! Face! CONTACT!

"Oh my god that was awkard!" Dylan laughed.

"Yes! I know! Won't happen again! Unless we ran into one if your other Barbie doll ex's!" We pushed the awkward to the side by laughing it out.

As we were paying we say Emit's car speeding home.

The hell is that kid doing?

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