Chapter 8 - My School is What Now?/VS Shinobu Jacobs

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"Sup man, what are you up to?"

I fumble with my phone as I hear someone talking with me, which turn out to be one of my classmates. Think I got a little too absorbed chatting with Touko, oops.

"Oh, not much. Just texting with my girlfriend." I tell him as I go back to texting with Touko about our weekend plans.

"Oh yeah, you are in a relationship with Morfonica's guitarist! Shit man, you are quite lucky to even being in a relationship with someone from those bands!" he says to me as he playfully hits my shoulder as I can just chuckle. "But you know, I have no idea how long bands will be a hit."

I look up from my phone again to meet the classmate's eyes, as I give him a confused expression. Because I have no clue what in the world he just meant; bands no longer being a hit?

"I don't get it, what do you mean with that?" I ask him, with him chuckling a little in reply.

"Haven't you heard? DJs is getting much more popular around here, in fact..!" he tells me as he takes a chair and sits down next to me. "Three DJ units are on this school!"

"Oh? But why on a school like this, it's nothing special-"


Seems... I said something wrong, because my friends and the other classmates that heard me are quite surprised.

"Dude, you don't even know what Yoba Academy is and has..?" he asks me, as I just shake my head. I know that this is a good school, but I didn't really look too much into when I enrolled, so guess it has more to it than anticipated. "Well, as I said, three units in this very school. Quite cute ones in each unit as well, if I got to be honest~"

"Ah, that's nice. Well, maybe or maybe not I will look into them, but for now, none of my concern."

"Heh, perhaps you will like the DJs even more than the bands-"

"I don't even care about the bands! Sure, I am part timing at CiRCLE to get money for my poor ass and I might support them!" I lash out at him, as he gets a little taken back. "I just don't listen constantly to their music, at most I just support my girlfriend's band, but that's about it!"

"So, you never began part timing at CiRCLE because you thought you would meet band girls?"

"Exactly, never did. It was only to have me get money, that's the truth."

I look down on my phone as I see Touko asking me if I am still there, and I remember why I even stuck around at CiRCLE. She is my sole reason I still work there, and I maybe would've disconnected more from the bands otherwise, except Raise A Suilen due to me being friends with Chiyu and her bandmates.

But heck, not even them would be able to keep me around on CiRCLE, and they barely go by there either way, and do more practice at Chiyu's penthouse. So yeah, I would've most likely resigned at this point, if not for Touko.

"Sorry for being harsh with my words. Touko just happens to mean a lot to me, so I can't imagine getting any interest in DJs."

"Oh, I see. Well, it's fine man, you love her so I shouldn't put a stop for your relationship with her." the classmate tells me as he pats me on my shoulder now before standing up. "Still, at least considering befriending them. You get along well with girls after all, even having scored one for yourself!"

As he walks away from me, I finally send to Touko that I am still here, but that I were talking with a classmate hence the small interruption. She replies back that it's all okay, and she is relieved nothing bad happened, as she did get worried for a moment.

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