Chapter 21 - Back In The Game Once Again

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Coming by CiRCLE today, I am going to meet up with Touko to check how the progress is with my new outfit I will be using when going for the upcoming assassins.

But as I am heading towards there, Lyrical Lily are surprisingly at the the cafeteria, enjoying themselves.

"So, I suppose that's our plan for next week?" Haruna asks her unit mates as they all nod, but she suddenly sees Kurumi giggling. "What's so funny? Preparing one of your pranks now, huh?"

"No, no, it's just that your favorite is here~" Kurumi says as Haruna turns around and instantly spots me.

"S-senpai!" she utters out as I stop in my steps and look to the four girls.

"Oh, hey Haruna and everyone else!" I say as I wave to them, Haruna seemingly blushing.

"Heh, he said my name first..." she says as she soon smiles. "It's good to see you all well!"

"I can say the same to you all. Hope you are enjoying the stuff they offer at CiRCLE." I tell them as I look to my phone for a moment, before back at them. "Well, going to head inside. Need to meet up with Touko soon and such!"

I head inside the live house, but Haruna remains pondering.


"...Touko, Touko, always Touko for him..."

"Weeell, he does have one heck of a brainrot for her, so it's understandable he loves her so dearly~" Kurumi says as she and Miiko giggles. "Besides, I am 101% sure they have engaged even, considering the ring Touko wears currently~!"

"Wait, you mean they are engaged?!" Miyu exclaims, surprised that would be done already now between the two. "Well, I can definitely be up for being the priest for senpai and Touko's wedding!"

"Wedding... Heh, yeah, wedding..." Haruna quietly says as she still feels down about that Stephan is already in plans to get married with Touko so far ahead. "I... need a moment. I will be back."

"Haruna, where are you going..?" Miyu asks the red hair, but she just walks away, all while Kurumi sighs and shakes her head.

"She's in love with Stephan, Miyu." Kurumi states as she does feel bad as well for Haruna that someone she has gotten interested already is deep in a relationship that it's close to impossible for her to get together with the one she has started to love.

"Oh, poor poor Haruna..." Miiko says as she sighs herself. "Miiko thinks Haruna should let go of Stephan though. No point when he already loves Touko."

"...Yeah, letting go, true." Kurumi says as she crosses her arms while blushing.

"Kurumi..?" Miyu asks her, wondering why she is acting like that as well now. "You don't happen... to like him as well?"

"Wah, me? Oh no, he is a fun guy, but no feelings here!" she replies, but still looks down. "I am going to go practice with my recorder, see you around!"

"But wait Kurumi, we were going to..! Oh my, first Haruna heading somewhere and now Kurumi walking away as well!"

"Let's give them space for now..." Miiko replies to Miyu as she drinks more of her soda.


Looking around the lobby, I scratch my head wondering where everyone is.

"Oh, hey there Stephan!" Daichi says as he emerges from one of the studios with cleaning stuff. "I assume you are here to meet up with Touko?"

"Yeah, that's correct. How did you know though..?" I ask him as he chuckles.

"She told me that you would come by here later, as you two needed some private time." he says as he... pushes up his glasses.

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