Chapter 14 - A Quite Deadly Performance

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A week later after a succesful performance by Morfonica, we had a pretty good week afterwards, with me actually bonding more with everyone in my beloved's band.

Today I wake up like normally, and it's Sunday as well, so no need to go to school.

Though looking at my phone, I immediately see that Touko has not sent me any sort of message which usually does every day.

Perhaps busy or not feeling feel? Well, guess giving her a call after breakfast won't hurt.

After enjoying a large portion of Coco Pops with milk, I feel satisfied before brushing my teeth and such before putting on my usual casual clothes, soon bringing out my phone again.

Tapping on my phone, I am soon calling her, hopefully getting an answer.

I pace around a little as I hear the ringing that is the usual you hear when calling someone over the phone.

Waiting on her to pick up, the ringing soon stops, but it isn't Touko who is answering.

"Stephan, is that you? Is my daughter at your home?"

It's her dad who is answering and he sounds extremely worried in his voice, which makes me worried as well, because this can only mean trouble...

"No, Mr. Kirigaya, Touko is not at my home." I reply to him as I began shaking. "W-what happened..? What has happened with Touko?!"

I almost yell that out in desperation as I  can hear him still sounding shaky.

"I don't know, Stephan..! We heard nothing yesterday, and then we realized our dear daughter haven't woken up yet, we stepped inside her room a-and..!"

He is still very shaky in his voice, and it sounds like he is about to cry any moment...

"Just hold on, I'm coming over as fast as I can!" I tell him as I end the call and rush towards my front door, put on my shoes and head out.

Rushing down the stairs, I run past Raise A Suilen, who are about to practice at Chiyu's penthouse like normally.

"Whoa there! What's the hurry?" Rei asks me as I turn around to them, with them getting almost shocked to see that I am almost on the verge of crying. "S-Stephan..?"

"Touko is in danger." I simply reply to them as I continue on, leaving them shocked.

"...God damn it, mom, what the hell are you up to now..!" Chiyu quietly says to herself as she realizes there is one major thing that might've happened, and it's most likely the UAA behind this.

As I get up on my bike, I pedal like crazy to get to the kimono shop as soon as I can to meet up with Touko's parents.

As I arrive, police are at the scene, having blocked access to passerbys.

"Sorry young man, you will have to go elsewhere-"

"IT'S MY FUCKING GIRLFRIEND THAT HAS GONE MISSING, LET ME IN!" I yell at them as they just shake their heads.

"No, let him pass!" Mr. Kirigaya says as he runs out of the shop and goes up to the cop that told me to piss off. "He's my daughter's precious boyfriend. He means the whole world to her, so he is every right to see what has happened."

The cop remains silent as he let's me pass under the barricade, before me and Mr. Kirigaya runs inside.

As we are inside, I see that Touko's mom is absolutely devastated, wailing loudly as Mr. Kirigaya embraces his crying wife.

"Honey, Stephan is here now as well. He is just as incredibly worried what has happened to our daughter." he tells her as she looks at me.

"Y-you really arrived so quickly..!" she says as she wipes away her tears, her husband soon looking at me again. "Are you... crying, young man..?"

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