Chapter 23 - This Shit Is Like The Battle Pass

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The loud strums of a guitar fills one of the studios, before it get finished off with one hell of a riff.

"Always both of you going overboard." Rui can just say as me and Touko laughs from me having tried out her guitar. "Ah well, it's the end of our practice for today either way."

"Haha, I was about say! But yeah, no need to be grumpy when the two just has a fun time together." Tsukushi tells Rui as the latter nods.

As me and Morfoncia head out of the studio, we see Hello, Happy World entering the live house. However, Hagumi looks sad for some reason, which isn't usual for their cheerful bassist.

"What's going on?" I ask the band, as Misaki clears her throat to explain.

"The stadium has been closed down for unknown reasons. So, Hagumi is understandably upset."

"Damn, why not even state why they close it down? We are in Tokyo for heaven's sake-"

"Well, to be fair, Shinjuku-Shibuya isn't the only place in Tokyo with a stadium-"

"But it's the most local one!" Touko interrupts Misaki as the latter realizes the weight more of it suddenly closing.

"True, that's were I missed that fact, sorry..."

"Either way, perhaps we should try going to the bottom of it all?" I suggest as everyone looks to me. "It's not fun seeing my friends sad, so doesn't hurt, right?"

"Wait, really..?" Hagumi asks me, most likely surprised I would go for going to be bottom of this. But I nod my head, which makes her actually smile a bit again. "Yes! We shall do detective work then!"

"Nah, let's just head to the stadium at once. Who's with me?"

To no one's surprise, my beloved is the first one to come up to me, ready to go with me wherever I go. "Anyone else on board with Stephy's plan~?"

Soon following are everyone else except Rui and Misaki. The former is just planning to head home while the latter doesn't really feel up to it, which surprises me as I am pretty sure-

"N-no, wait, I don't want to come with you all, sorry..!" Kanon suddenly says as she walks back to Misaki. "I need to go home and study after all, so I really can't."

"Well, that's totally okay." I reassure her before I look to the group me and Touko have now. "Let's go then, shall we?"

"You know it, sweetie~" Touko replies as she clings to me as the others giggles. "Come on now, time to see why our stadium is currently closed!"

And so our journey begins, as the stadium is located a bit further away, so we take the subway. Hmm, subway, makes me want to have a Subway sandwich...

As we are taking the subway train, kids on there are very happy over seeing Kokoro and a few of her band members, at least the one's who really embraces the attention.

"Aaah, so many small kittens, flocking us all to show their appreciation~" Kaoru says as Kokoro and Hagumi give the kids hugs.

Meanwhile, Mashiro, Tsukushi and Nanami looks on as they giggle and converse about how Kokoro gets such a variety in her audience.

And then there is me getting kissed by Touko, heh...

"I love you, Stephy~"

"I know, my love." I reply to her as she continues kissing me, eventually deciding to sit on my lap as we begin making out...

"Eww, what they are doing?!" One of the kids says as he points to me and Touko, which catches the attention of the other kids and the other band girls as well.

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