Chapter 1 - School, Jobs, Band Girls and Assassins

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Waking up to my phone's alarm, I get up only to turn off the alarm and lay down on my bed again, wanting to continue sleeping. I'm aware that I need to be there on time to get introduced to my class, but who cares really?

Sighing and turning around in bed to face the ceiling, I think about the fact that I really went for starting a new life in another country, but I guess it should be fine, I chose this.

After all, the culture of Japan is quite wonderful, and hell, easier access to an otaku's dream places like Akihabara considering that I'm in a part of Tokyo. Might head down there during the week.

For now, it's school and directly after, go and find a part time job, I have to live on my own after all!

Preparing the school uniform, I'm kinda indifferent about this, as in Sweden, you never need to use any sort of uniform for school, but I guess that's just how it is, and I better just get used to it.

"I wonder if I should bring it with me or not..." I say to myself as I look at the Blood Berry. I mean, having it with me to fend off any possible robbers could be good, but at the same time, making a mess probably isn't the best thing to do either.

I decided to not bring it with me, because why would killing anyone be neccesary... though I've heard rumors about people assassinating each other, but why should I be bothered? I might be selfish for this, but as long as it doesn't involve me, what do I have to lose?

And if things somehow gets fucky around here, I'll be prepared with my trusty beam katana... which I have barely used, great!

After having eaten breakfast, I soon enough exit the apartment building after having gone down some stairs (keyword: some), and taking in the air, before coughing violently. Ouch, think I breath in too hard...

Making my way to the school, I already now try making myself a little familiar with my new living place. It definitely is already waaay more different than Sweden ever was, but I like it.

"Right, here it is." I tell myself as I see the school in the distance, slowly approaching it. I do hope Japanese education isn't too different from what I did in Sweden.

As usual, the teacher has to introduce the transfer student and all, but I really don't care much about getting any sort of introduction done of me to have everyone else get to know me more.

I'm more here just for the education, and the culture in general. Otherwise, I'm not so aware or interested of other things Japan has, though I do like playing games and watch some anime, so I'm somewhat of an "otaku" in that manner.

I mean, I'm not a "super" otaku by any means, were like only games and anime matter for me, but yeah, I guess I can go into that territory without nerding out too much about my interests.

For the rest of the day, everything goes well enough, and everyone has an easy time speaking to me due to me fluent Japanese. Man am I happy I studied up on it for sometime before coming here.

Most of the time, it's the students themselves that starts up a conversation with me, as I usually don't talk unless spoken to, but if something comes to mind, I might as well say it.

Though the guys begin asking me if I knew about the supposed all-girl bands that are around this part of Tokyo, but I have no clue what they are on about. Like, yeah, all-girl bands, what's so special about them?

But oh boy, asking that to them, they almost got furious at me for not caring. I mean, sorry for not being interested..?

Nevertheless, besides band girls, we could at least conversate about games and such, the girls also hoping in to hear what I had to say. The girls does seem to like all-boy bands, some also being fans of the all-girl bands, which I can imagine, most often you listen for the music.

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