Camping (requested)

725 35 11

Long one for ya

"Babe why are we out here" Lena whined as soon as we got out the car. "I already told you Alex bet a hundred dollars that she could stay out here longer than me so we are going to see who will last the longest." "But I can just give you a hundred dollars" she said following me to take the stuff out of the trunk of the car. "Yeah but where's the fun in that. I'm surprised you even agreed to come out here. But don't worry it's going to be fun." "Yeah I don't know why I did either." "Stop groaning and help me. If we win I'll watch that one movie with you" I reasoned with her. I really hated that movie. "Really" she questioned not believing me. "Yes. Now come on" I said rushing her to get the stuff.

We grabbed everything and met up with Alex.

"Now this isn't fair. I said you could bring one person and you brought the girl that's indestructible. Can she even get bug bites?" I said once I saw Kara pop up behind Alex. "Well it's not affecting anybody so it doesn't matter." "It does. It was so you could suffer together. If she stays then she can't use her powers for anything. Not even to light a fire or build anything faster." "Ugh fine."

We found a spot to set up at. Alex and Kara were a few feet away. They were focused on building there tent so me and Lena started building ours.

They had a regular boring tent and Lena and I had a different one. It was way better than there's. Our was sure to keep bugs out and it was big. There was plenty of room for whatever we wanted to keep in there. And there was a little mattress thing that's like an actual bed.

I made sure that if I was doing this I wasn't loosing. Technically it's not cheating. It's just a higher up tent.

We all finished putting them up and Lena and I stepped back to look at ours.

"What the hell is this" Alex said once she saw ours. "My tent" I asked as more of a question. "Why the hell is it so big. I thought we said no cheating" she said while walking around to look at it. "How is this cheating?" "Because it's fucking huge. You've got to have something in there that you're using to your advantage." "I'm not" I lied. The truth is that I have something in there to scare them but they're not going to find it if she goes in there and looks.

After a few minutes of us arguing Lena and Kara walked off to do whatever and me and Alex decided to go fishing.

"Whoever catches a fish first wins an extra 25 dollars if they win" I said with a smirk. "You're on" she said.

She ended up catching one first which I was mad about but whatever.

It was still light out so me and Alex went back to our tents to find Lena and Kara.

Once we found them we decided to go swimming.

We got to the Lake and me and Alex started wrestling. We weren't actually fighting we were just messing around. Then I got an urge to push her in the water so I did.

"Y/n!" Alex yelled. I just started laughing. I couldn't stop. All of the sudden I got pushed in.

"I can't believe you" I said shocked when I surfaced back up from the water to see who pushed me. Lena stood next to Kara laughing. They all started laughing so hard. I chuckled a little.

I rushed out the water and chased them so I could push them in. Kara got close enough to the water when I was running after her that I could push her in. Lena in the other hand was still getting away somehow.

I finally caught up to her and threw her over my shoulder.

"No no y/n I'm sorry" she said laughing while trying to get out of my arms. "Nope you betrayed me. My own girlfriend" I said fake hurt.

Katie McGrath Imagines Where stories live. Discover now