Chapter 27 : Sibling love

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ew y does the title sound like incest ew tf

The train station was bustling with life, people walking and bumping into each other left and right

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The train station was bustling with life, people walking and bumping into each other left and right. Through the crowd weaved 3 figures, clearly in an urgent hurry as they scurried towards one of the platforms.

They were out of breath as they arrived just on time, seeing as the last of the waiting passengers were boarding the train.

"Alright Tommy, you'll be on your own from now on." Tommy's father declared, letting his son take ownership of the suitcase.

"That Wilbur guy will pick you up, correct?" His mother demanded, seemingly a bit more worried.

"Yeah, Tubbo and I are gonna arrive at relatively the same time and Wilbur, Phil and Kristin will pick us up from Kings cross and take us to the Airbnb to meet everyone." Tommy assured them.

"Okay, stay safe." His mother brought him in for a tight hug, and so did his father.

And after uttering a quick goodbye, Tommy found himself on the express train to Kings cross, London.

He carefully walked down the aisle, finally finding his seat and putting his luggage on the compartment above his head. Settling himself down, his eyes immediately trailed away towards the window. He watched as the peisage went from tall concrete buildings and dozens of cars, to vibrant grass fields and evergreen forests as the train left Nottingham.

The boy found himself falling into thought, resting his elbow against the hand rests of his seat and supporting his chin on his fist. He was beyond excited: he'd been looking forward to this event for forever. It would allow him to meet with some of the best creators on the platform, as well as have tons of fun with some of his best friends.

But instead of thinking about the anticipation he felt, he found himself itching to reach for his phone. Doing just that, he unlocked it and switched over to instagram, where he clicked on a particular DM.


It felt so dry and unusual. To the point that even Tommy felt it, and the two weren't even that close. And for some reason this worried him. Why had she simply disappeared, texted him and then disappeared again? Had she trusted him enough to talk to him particularly or had she just done it for conventional purposes? Where did the sassy, talk-back persona go after that evening?

The boy groaned in frustration, finding himself leaning his head back and closing his eyes. No matter how much he tried to deny this to himself, he was worried.

'It's because you were the last person she talked to, not because you actually care.'
He tried to assure himself, but even the voice in his head didn't seem so sure about it anymore.

A long exhale escaped his lips as his eyes opened, head tilting to stare at the phone screen and not being able to find any new message.

'What happened to you?'

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