Chapter 48 : I hate everything.

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In the past few days, Ray had always went up the stairs to her room as quickly as possible in order to avoid even looking at her parents

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In the past few days, Ray had always went up the stairs to her room as quickly as possible in order to avoid even looking at her parents. But today, she bolted up there like there was no tomorrow.

The moment that Ray shut her bedroom door behind her she threw away her backpack and reached right into her shirt. There, she retrieved the iPhone 11 (desperately trying to ignore the fact that TOMMYINNIT'S PHONE HAD BEEN BETWEEN HER BREASTS AND BRA FOR ABOUT 2 HOURS NOW) and crawled over the bed to the other side where she got off and sunk to the floor. She made sure that the lights were on so even if someone were to come in, they wouldn't be able to see the light that came from the phone.

Tommy's phone screen was a group picture that they'd taken way back at London Vidcon. It had been the last day, and their entire group had gathered at the huge staircase of their Airbnb and taken this picture. Ray couldn't help but smile, reminiscing on the amazing memories that she'd made during those few days. They were probably some of the, if not the best, of her entire life.

Deciding to make this as short as possible, Ray typed in the passcode that was given to her, and true to Tommy's word, the phone unlocked. The girl briefly thought about how easy his phone would be to hack by any fan considering that his passcode was his birthday, but she decided that that was not a priority in that moment. She quickly clicked over to instagram, when she was immediately logged into Tommy's private instagram. Seeing the small amount of messages, she assumed that Tommy was already logged in from his computer or something, so she quickly went over to log into her own private instagram instead of snooping his, just like she'd promised.

And unsurprisingly, what awaited her was a whole wave of DMs. There were around 20 to 25 unread DMs from separate accounts, all demading to know her whereabouts, what happened, and some even begging for her not to be dead. Ray had to work quickly- she couldn't just be like 'oh, mY FaMilY FouND OUt AbOUt mY TwiTch and CaReeR and StuFf AnD ThEY dIdN'T LiKe It So i GoT KiCkEd ofF mY SoCiALS'. No, she needed to be smart about this.

Therefore she quickly clicked over to Tubbo's chat and began writing.


i'm so so so sorry for not reaching out earlier

things have just been crazy over here

my grandpa died and there's barely any wifi here









yeah thats what i mean

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