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"That fighter ship has a weird rounded shape..." Iselen whispers next to me with her eyes fixed on the group of soldiers led by Vir that are wearing protective clothing one minute before they open the door and sneak inside walking slowly with their weapons ready, cautiously despite our scanners showed no sign of movement inside. The truth is that the fuselage is so thick that we can't be sure so we better be safe than sorry... Only that group of Annunaki is authorized to get closer after Kullat disinfected the exterior helped by some robots, we're all waiting on the other side of the launch bay although curiosity is killing us.

My precious human is right: the ship has an egg shape, it looks like a rock because it's dark grey although it's actually made with a metallic alloy our scientists didn't know, I mean, components are the same we can find all over the galaxy and on planet Earth too, but mixed up in a proportion that's different from the one we're used to. As a result, the ship is heavier than ours and a little less manageable, that's why our pilots had an advantage in the battle, but the fuselage is quite solid and hard to pierce with our weapons. Engineers are waiting behind us, fidgeting nervously and eager to take a closer look.

"It doesn't matter in outer space, there's no atmosphere and you don't need an aerodynamic shape to avoid air friction, but they could have problems to land on some planets... I guess that's why the hull is so thick," I answer frowning and Heze nods absentmindedly next to me, waiting anxiously for Vir to come out and tell us that everything is all right.

I heave a sigh and look at Iselen out of the corner of my eye, she's as pretty as always although her face shows the signs of the exhaustion and tension she's felt these past days. I plan to take her back to Earth when all this state of alert is over and we'll spend some days traveling and resting, maybe on one of those gorgeous beaches with white sand... But before, I need Antares' confirmation that our enemies are gone. It's been a few hours since we won the battle and, according to my cousin's report, the mother ship is still flying away although it moves slower than before, maybe an engine is damaged or maybe they're planning a trap, we can't relax yet and I keep my soldiers on full alert just in case. Kullat is monitoring the outer space and human armies are ready to offer support if we need them.

"What's wrong?" Iselen asks confused when she notices that I've been staring at her for a while.

"I wish you were a compliant girl who stays in the background, safe in my apartment along with Ishtar, instead of being here in the front line with me," I answer honestly and she raises an eyebrow, upset for a second till she shakes her head and smiles.

"Do you know what I think, Ruby Stardust? If I were that good girl, you wouldn't love me as much as you do, you'd get bored of your mate in a few days... Admit it..." I pout staring at her with squinty eyes before nodding reluctantly.

"All right, you're perfect as you are... but be careful."

"Always, babe." Iselen leans forward to kiss my cheek and I sigh, delighted, turning my head to kiss her back but Heze's voice cuts me off.

"They're back." The soldiers walk out of the ship slowly, it's pretty obvious judging by their movements that they feel relaxed and there's no danger although I can't know which one is Vir since they're wearing grey protective clothing that covers them from head to toe. One of them raises a thumb at us quietly and I frown, perplexed.

"What's that?"

"It's Vir," my girl smiles and answers the same way. "I taught her that... Giving a thumbs up is the way humans tell you that everything is all right, that they like something or they agree with you on something... It's a positive gesture well known all over the planet. If you turn your thumb down means that something goes wrong, or something is bad and disgusting..."

Ruby Stardust (Ruby Rose fanfic)Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin