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"Have you finished your breakfast, my love? I'd like to go out for a walk, this ship is massive and it'll take a while for you to know the main public, work and leisure areas... but today, I'd love to show you my lab and the control room. We can go to the greenhouses later this week and botanist will you show you new plants from other worlds."

"Yes, of course, whatever you want..." I try to get up from the couch but Ruby stops me putting her hand on my shoulder gently; I watch her walking towards the wardrobe, puzzled, till I realize she's coming back with my socks and boots in her hand. "Thank you, this is very kind of you..." The alien kneels down in front of me and places my foot on her lap, her nimble fingers start to put my sock on and I fidget on my seat, nervously... Her skin is soft and warm and sends a shiver down my spine... No woman has touched me this way, sweetly and with great care, since I came back from my vacation last summer but she seems to believe this is a normal behaviour and ties the bootlaces efficiently before letting my foot drop on the floor and taking the other one. I decide to keep talking so the moment doesn't feel that awkward. "I like your tattoos..."

"Seriously? Thank you..." Ruby looks up smiling and rolls her sleeves up a little so I can take a closer look at the designs on her arms. "They used to identify clans, families or social status or we had them done for religious reasons centuries ago, now it's just a tradition but most of the members of my race have at least one or two... or a lot, like I do. I'll get a new one in a few weeks..."

"Cool, what design are you getting done?" I ask while she finishes with my boot and sits down next to me in order to put her shocks on.

"You'll pick it for me, it's usual to get a tattoo when you find your partner or have your children. Of course, there're some traditional designs but I prefer something more personal, something that has a deep meaning for you."

"I eh... I just..." I stare at her with my mouth wide open, speechless once again, and Ruby looks back at me confused and then worried. She grimaces, finally.

"Too much information, too soon?" I nod while leaning back on the couch, feeling slightly dizzy. "I'm sorry, my love, I didn't mean to put pressure on you..." My partner runs her fingers through her colourful hair while and she bites her lip anxiously. "This is so difficult, it seems that I always say the wrong thing... I hope you can forgive me, it's just that... I'm so happy I've found you and I get carried away sometimes... The truth is that I wasn't looking for a partner but now that you're here, there's no coming back and I'm beginning to like the idea of spending my life with you." Suddenly, Ruby looks so miserable that my stomach turns due to my sadness and I can't help getting closer to take her hand.

"It's okay, don't worry, this is weird and difficult for us both. I'd better learn what's normal for your race and how to adapt to the circumstances instead of grimacing every time you talk to me..." I try to lighten the mood and the alien smiles but she still looks upset. "You know what? As a florist I've been involved in a lot of important events with my neighbours, like weddings and birthdays, and the fact that I worked behind a counter allowed me to learn a little about psychology... about my customers' behaviour, I learnt how to read people." My partner frowns, perplexed, but she looks interested and less sad than before. "Judging by the way you achieved your position of head of scientists and investigators, you worked really hard to earn the privilege of dressing in black but I suspect you did it because you wanted your parents to feel proud of their daughter too, I get the impression that you're a very perfectionist person and you feel really frustrated when things don't go the way you planed them..."

"Guilty..." she whispers shrugging.

"This isn't going to work from the beginning, Ruby, we're very different, we come from very different worlds and have a different background. I think it's normal if the situation gets a bit awkward sometimes but it's not your fault, okay?"

Ruby Stardust (Ruby Rose fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now