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"Where are we? What's this white building with lot of columns and windows?" My mate's sweet voice echoes through the earbud and it sends a shiver of pleasure down my spine even under these circumstances.

"It's the city hall, Ruby. Is there any sign of those monsters?" I answer worried, staring at the screen while Heze fidgets on her seat next to me, I'm also getting nervous because I think this hunt is taking too long... Why they seem unable to find those monsters having all that state-of-the-art technology available? My mate stops her bike and leans her foot on the ground, looking around puzzled while Antares and the soldiers copy her movements.

"You were right, cousin, this is a chaos. There're humans running all over the place, stepping on the flowers of the park to be able to reach the road and find a vehicle before other people... I don't understand why they're acting like that, not giving a damn about others and not getting accurate information. It doesn't make sense, those aliens could be on the other side of the city right now as far as we know..." The camera on Antares chest focus on the famous fountain with four jets and I realize Ruby has jumped on the edge to be able to take a look over the crowd that's running and screaming, I know it's my girl because she's slimmer than the soldiers even if the black helmet is hiding her pretty face.

"That's human nature, I'm afraid, panic spreads easily and our rational brain switches off, our instincts kick in and force us to escape from danger. It's not because they're selfish since most of those people are trying to get back to their homes to protect their children even if you believe they're ignoring the common good of my race behaving like crazy... But some of them are still thinking rationally and will take advantage of the circumstances to commit crimes, looting stores and stealing everything they can. You must be careful and get your weapons ready... Things can get very ugly."

"Nin, someone has posted this pic on a social media account..." Kullat cuts me off and I can't help holding back my breath when looking at the image.

"Someone has got really close... That's dangerous..." Heze whispers with a furrowed brow. "That's one of them, for sure, it's obvious judging by the shape of the head and eyes even if the pic is blurry... What's this?"

"The charging bull, a bronze sculpture... Ruby, they're in Wall Street! Fuck, they move really fast..." My angel jumps on her bike immediately, speeding up Broadway, dodging cars, delivery vans and humans, traffic lights are useless right now and no one pays attention to them, in addition to that, the noise is deafening: cries, horns and emergency sirens. Some police officers try to restore order but it's futile while Annunaki drive down the sidewalk to be able to move forward since the road is totally blocked.

"Kullat, we need to know where they are... We need to get this over with as soon as possible," I whisper desperately.

"I'm sorry, Nin, but it's difficult to check all those phone calls. Humans think there're monsters everywhere and they're reporting it to the police, some of them are obviously disturbed individuals and young teens playing pranks, I believe, but most phone calls talk about lootings, robberies and injured people. Firefighters and paramedics are working nonstop."

"Fuck..." I growl quietly. "Why didn't they choose Paris? Wide avenues make things much easier there."

"Security services report an incident at the New York Stock Exchange with several wounded."

"Where?" My mate asks puzzled but steps on the gas.

"A building made of white stone with big columns where human investors trade in the financial markets, babe, it's the centre of the world's economy: if the stock market plummets, millions of investors will be affected, it'll mean the economic ruin for many countries... Do you think they're doing this deliberately?"

Ruby Stardust (Ruby Rose fanfic)Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant