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The woman slides her hand down the side of her lover slowly, grazing her breast with a thumb tearing a moan from her throat before moving further down, scratching her hip naughtily before her fingers slip to the girl's core. Both tongues swirl filthily when their bodies shudder and a gasp echoes through the room. The girl who's tied to the headboard with red silk ropes arches her back when her lover slides her lips down her neck and bites one of her nipples almost violently before burying her face between her legs... she starts licking and sucking, moaning loudly... Her companion growls and tugs at the ropes when feeling her thrusting her fingers in her opening aggressively...

"Ruby... what are you doing?" I ask puzzled staring at the massive screen on the wall where two blondes with big boobs are writhing in ecstasy. The alien was reading a book about medicinal herbs when I went to the bathroom to take a shower ten minutes ago and I wasn't expecting to find this when I walked out. Moans and gasps echo through the room when a third blonde joins the party, sitting on the face of the tied girl while pinching her nipples.

"Oh, I'm watching..." The angel with violet hair leans over a smaller screen she's holding in her hand and reads slowly. "Naughty bunnies in a boarding school for girls." The alien smiles looking back at me over her shoulder till she realizes I'm in shock, my cheeks are flushed and my eyes wide open... that makes her frown. "What's wrong?"

"I eh... well... I wasn't expecting..." I cross my arms over my chest trying to hide the fact that my nipples are hard and the delicate fabric of my shirt is showing them, I'm human after all and the camera is focusing on the blonde's tongue while she pumps inside the tied girl's pussy who's almost suffocating her with her thighs. I'm aware that my partner is wearing one of those see-through white shirts while she's comfortable sitting on the couch and her core is visible when she beds her leg in order to lean her bare foot on a pillow: Ruby's so beautiful that sometimes I wonder if I'm dreaming, even when she raises an eyebrow and stares at me bewildered like she's doing right now. "Why are you watching lesbian porn?" I whisper out of breath... I can't believe I'm asking her something like this.

"I'm trying to learn more about what you expect from me in our relationship, you know, concerning intimacy. I know you want me to give you your own space in your daily life, I've understood you're an independent woman and don't want me behind you all the time like an overprotective shadow, but I wanted to know if I have to behave like that in bed too... I asked Alrisha information about sex between women on the Earth and she's found hundreds of movies." The alien looks happy like she does every time she learns something new, the very loud moans of the three women echo through her apartment while I stare at her with my mouth open and a fourth one slides into the frame wearing black leather... She lifts a whip and starts hitting buttocks while Ruby tilts her head to one side, intrigued.

"Alrsiha, stop the movie, please..." The image freezes showing a nipple and a tongue. "I think it's better if you turn the screen off..." I order while flopping down on the couch next to the angel, trying not to fix my eyes on her own nipples that are visible through the shirt. "Listen, Ruby..." I run my fingers thought my hair taking a deep breath. "If you have doubts about human behaviour I think you should ask me first and I can tell you what books and movies are the right ones to learn. This isn't okay, I mean, this is fake..." I point at the screen and my mate stares at me confused. "They're actresses... human couples don't behave like that... well, maybe some of them... But most of those girls aren't even lesbian in real life..."

"Why are they doing that, then?"

"It's their job, Ruby: they're actresses in adult movies that are actually made to please men, to be honest... Things aren't like this: those extra-long nails, very loud moans, awkward positions and sex in public places, leather corsets and wearing a tone of makeup... Well, it actually can happen in real life but it's not normal and besides, this is too..." I try to find the right word that will make her understand but talking about sex is hard when a stunningly beautiful woman who's half naked is stroking your hair and leans forward, closer to you.

Ruby Stardust (Ruby Rose fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now