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"I really think you need to a doctor... you're losing a lot of blood..." I look at Alex exasperated, he's the boy who helps me to load and unload my van every morning and also delivers the bouquets commissioned by customers. I know he's right and I'm just delaying the inevitable at the risk of getting an infection or something worse. "Come on, I'll take you to the health centre and they'll decide if you need stitches... it'll take just a minute, boss, I'm pretty sure it won't hurt at all..."

My assistant keeps talking nervously while locking the door of my shop and leaving a sign explaining that we'll be back in a few minutes before walking towards the van, I follow him meekly putting pressure on the towel around my arm with my other hand... my blood is staining the light blue cotton fabric turning it into a beautiful shade of violet. Oh God, I hope I won't vomit before we cross the village, why the health centre must be on the other side? Fuck, fuck, fuck... this is my fault. Damned internet tutorials, damned boredom, damned wire... I wanted to be creative learning something new, and I found an amazing flower arrangement that would look great decorating the entrance arch of the church for the next wedding. I thought it was easy and took all kinds of precautions, I wore gloves and glasses, but I wasn't expecting to stab myself on my forearm with a piece of steel wire after cutting it from a roll. The wound is small but very deep and it doesn't stop bleeding no matter how hard I press this towel on my flesh.

"Oh God, I don't want to go to the doctor... I don't want them to find me..." I think desperate while the van leaves behind the park full of children. Alex has misinterpreted my reluctance, I'm not afraid of stitches or pain, I don't want anyone to take my DNA without my permission. The cold sweat coating my body makes my dark locks of hair get stuck to my forehead and nape and my skin looks paler than ever before when I see my reflection in the rearview mirror. Am I going to pass out?

"We're here, boss, calm down. Elsa, help me, please!" My old school mate, now the nurse and receptionist of the health centre, comes running and puts her arm around my waist in order to drag me towards the building. The waiting room is small, walls are painted in cream and chairs are dark blue, and there're only two examination rooms: one for children and one for adults. We don't need anything bigger or fancier since we're a small village and we're lucky to have two doctors because they also take care of the population of the whole region. There're a few people waiting and my arrival causes a chorus of muffled screams and worried questions from some mums and old ladies sitting on the chairs when they see the towel that has turned completely violet now. I know them all: the fruit seller, the wife of the book shop owner, a waiter of one of the pubs... My head is spinning...

"Doctor! David, open the door!" The nurse knocks nervously on the wooden surface and it opens abruptly, a shocked patient and a middle-aged doctor, with light brown hair and white lab coat, stare at us with their eyes wide open.

"What the...? Iselen, what's happening? Come here, dear, sit down..." I obey him because I feel dizzy but also because the kind voice of the doctor seems to force me to do it, I've known him all my life and he's a lovely man. All his patients adore him without exception and, even if a rarely walk into this building, I have coffee with him every Saturday evening at the community centre where the village elders gather and we play bingo. "Don't worry, we'll fix this mess in one minute, you'll only feel a burning sensation due to the alcohol..."

"What's happened?" Elsa's voice distracts me from the nausea in my stomach while she puts a wet towel on my forehead and wipes sweat away, I guess she wanted to take my mind off what the doctor is doing. I swallow hard before answering.

"I was working with a new flower arrangement and a wire got stuck in my forearm accidentally... ouch!"

"I'm sorry, dear, it was just a little prick... it's done. Do you feel better?" I blink surprised, actually I do... One second ago I thought I was going to pass out and now... I'm hungry. "Can you get Iselen a glass of water?" The nurse leaves the room while I stare at my arm completely baffled: the wound doesn't bleed anymore and it's closed, covered by a clear substance instead of classical stitches, and I don't feel dizzy or about vomiting.

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