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"I think an enemy fighter ship was able to reach the Earth, we aren't sure where it landed yet but humans swear that something has passed through the planet's atmosphere."

"Tell Kullat to check the data from their satellites and observatories."

Ruby leans her hands on her table, worried, and the soldier rushes to carry out the order she's given him while I flop down on a chair, scared but also exhausted. It's been a long day full of excitement... I can't believe Heze has found her mate so unexpectedly, rescuing her from a terrible fate... Poor Darla, she's a beautiful girl and looks shy and sweet but has gone through a hell, it wasn't easy to persuade her to leave that fridge but she seems to trust the doctor and has followed her meekly when she guided her to the apartment where there's food and clothes waiting for her, maybe she'll enjoy the purifying rays too. I asked Heze to be patient, not to move abruptly around her and to show her how things work trying them first in order to prove her that she won't get hurt. I'll go to help her if necessary but I think it's important for the doctor to do it alone to establish a bond with her. Darla must trust her partner first and later she'll be able to trust us since we're going to be her family.

"Nin, Alrsiha told me to give you this... It's like those energetic drinks you have in your supermarkets." Vir hands me a glass with some orange liquid inside. "You'll feel better after drinking it, Annunaki get a boost of energy that lasts for hours but you shouldn't do this often, drinking this instead of going to sleep is dangerous, all right?"

"Yes, of course. Thank you, Vir." The soldier nods and turns around to look at the screens while I take a sip, it tastes sweet and fresh, better than most energetic drinks from Earth in fact, and it works immediately: I feel better and my mind is clearer.

"I'm here, cousin. Did you find it?"

"Not yet, we're checking images from human satellites." Ruby answers and I look at Antares surprised while he leans forward over one of the screens brushing his silver hair away from his forehead. He was supposed to be watching the enemies' mother ship with his troops and besides, he's wearing a dark blue uniform like the one his soldiers are wearing too although it shows some black strips on the sleeves that identify as the commander, I guess. It's the first time I see it, he's usually dressed in black like every Annunaki belonging to the highest status.

"Did they leave already?" I ask worried and three aliens turn around to stare at me perplexed. "Our enemies, those ugly guys with long fangs that tried to eat my people for dinner... You were supposed to monitor their movements to make sure they're gone... What are you doing here?"

"Nin Dingir called me," Antares answers shrugging. "The ship that has landed on your planet is a much greater danger right now than the big grey rock that has stopped near Triton, Neptune's largest moon..."

"Did they stop?" I get up abruptly, scared, and Ruby looks at her cousin frowning.

"Yes, I believe one of their thrusters is damaged and they've tried to move away from us as much as possible before stopping to fix it, if they go further they'd find themselves in the middle of Kuiper Belt... I don't think their ship is capable of dodging all those asteroids to leave the solar system. Anyway, my soldiers are still watching them and won't move from their positions till we're sure they've left definitely."

"Nin Dingir, the trajectory of the fighter ship that has passed through the planet Earth's atmosphere shows that it's landed somewhere in Ringwood State Park, close to a city called New York..."

"You must be joking!" I scream cutting Kullat off and all the aliens in the room turn around to stare at me in shock but I don't give a damn this time, I'm freaking out too hard to care about good manners now.

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