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"This is your stop, Nin." Alrisha's soft voice informs me through the earbud in my ear bringing me back to reality and I get up smiling shyly when I realize several aliens are looking at me with curiosity. It feels awkward to be the centre of attention, above all when Ruby isn't with me, despite Anunnaki are really kind to me, they step back to let me leave the car and nod to greet me. Suddenly, I feel dizzy: the corridor looks too long once again and it feels like I'm suffocating but it's even worse than ever before because now it's packed with aliens that come and go to their jobs wearing their flashy uniforms, the corridor looks like a kaleidoscope of bright colours mixing together. "Nin? Doctor Heze wants to know if you're okay, there's a notification on her screen because your heart is racing..."

"Yes, I'm fine, I'm sorry." Damned state-of-the-art nanotechnology shirt, it ratted me out... I take a deep breath keeping my eyes on the floor. "I need to know where Vivienne's apartment is."

"Of course, Nin, keep walking to your left for a few meters and I'll show you the door..." I try to walk closer to the wall to avoid disturbing Anunnaki because they move faster than I do. So this is the rush hour...

Ruby woke me up very early this morning, apparently one day free is all she can afford without working and she must go to her lab again, but insisted on having breakfast with me to check if I was eating enough, most likely. The angel sat down next to me and stroked my hair gently while chewing her fruit despite she was obviously impatient to go to work, fortunately she never tried to put more pressure on me to go one step further in our relationship and was quite clear that she was trying to give me my own personal space... In exchange, I decided to stop mentioning Vir every time my insecurities make me freak out a little. Ruby stopped at the door for a minute before leaving to tell me that I could visit any place in the ship, my black uniform granted me access, and I could ask anything to Alrisha. The computer could also provide me internet access or TV shows from Earth, magazines, books, virtual tours through museums... she had everything stored on her hard drive.

"Time doesn't make sense to me when I'm working and I forget to have lunch sometimes or I stay in the lab till it's very late," she explained with an awkward smile. "But you're here now and leaving you alone for long hours would be an inexcusable sign of disrespect so I'll be back this evening, we can go out for a walk together or whatever you prefer, and have dinner later. Alrisha will warn me so I won't forget it... I hope..." The angel shrugged and I nodded smiling, I understood her problem perfectly: time flew when I was focused on creating a new flower arrangement. I leaned forward in order to kiss her cheek spontaneously but at the same time Ruby turned her head to tell me something, our lips met, just grazing each other's flesh, but it was enough for her to forget what she was about asking me and she smiled dreamily before waving her hand and leaving the room. Luckily, I was wearing one of the casual white shirts and wasn't connected to Heze so the doctor never knew my heart skipped a beat.

After taking a shower of purifying rays, I picked out my clothes... that was easy since there wasn't a wide range of options anyway and watched the Earth from the window for a while, but didn't know what else to do. I wasn't staying in that ship to read books or watch TV shows from my world, I wanted to learn more about them but didn't dare to go out alone. I wandered around the alien's apartment, touching furniture and looking entranced at ornaments made of precious stones that any human would kill to loot, there were also some stuff made of metal and wood I'd never seen before but I didn't dare to open a drawer: I knew Anunnaki had a different concept of what privacy was and Ruby probably wouldn't mind but I didn't want her to know I'd been rummaging through her things.

"Nin?" Alrisha scared the hell out of me speaking all of a sudden while I was lost in my thoughts. "You got an invitation from Vivienne, she's going to meet some of her human friends for lunch and a party called 'baby shower' and wants to know if you'd like to attend. In addition to that, your assistant Alex has answered your email and swears he'll keep your plants alive and is happy because you're okay since he was worried."

Ruby Stardust (Ruby Rose fanfic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang