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"I hate you, I hate you, I hate you so much..."

"Baby, please..."

"How could you do this to me?" I point at Ruby's chest with my index and she stares at me totally floored and a bit scared. "Oh come on, don't look at me like that, I don't hate you actually... it' was a figure of speech..." I step back and run my fingers through my hair, desperately, while my angel sighs relieved but keeping a distance and looks at me with caution and bewilderment. Other aliens wearing white and yellow uniforms, I mean, botanists, biologists and scientists, stare at us perplexed from the other end of my soon-to-be greenhouse not daring to interfere but whispering excitedly... Fuck, I'm surely embarrassing Nin Dingir with my stupid human reactions. I flop down on a bench shaking my head. "I can't do this..." I whisper wearily.

"But my love, you're doing pretty well... I don't know what the problem is." I open my mouth to explain it but the blank stare Ruby's shooting at me cuts off my speech: she doesn't understand the problem in which I find myself because of her. I run my fingers through my hair once again taking a look around and grimacing, everything is half-built: platforms that will support terraces with water and soil tanks where my flowers will grow, seedbeds on one side, computer screens that will control everything are turned off, water pipelines aren't connected, the pieces for the future ventilation system are piled up on the floor, the lamps aren't here yet... The building equipment is scattered around despite the aliens wearing burgundy uniforms seem to know where they can find what they need and they've promised me that the project will be finished in time, meeting the deadline they told me, contrary to most human construction works. "Iselen, talk to me..."

"Ruby..." my girl sits down next to me looking at me with expectation, trying to understand why I'm so upset since last night. I guess she's unable to recognize her mate in this crazy woman with a mess of a hair who's been yelling and running up and down for hours, barely eating or sleeping, so anxious that Heze came to our apartment scared in order to find out what was wrong with me when her screen connected to my shirt started beeping nonstop. I told her not to get close to me harshly and she obeyed, looking at her boss puzzled and scared but Ruby shrugged and waved her hand so the doctor is keeping her distance now but watching me out of the corner of her eye while talking to other scientists near the greenhouse door. "You shouldn't have told the Council that I was going to present a project today."

"Why not? The park is a great idea, they'll love it..."

"Babe," I cut her off clenching my jaw trying not to yell again. "It's too soon, I wasn't ready, I just showed you a stupid design I drew in 10 minutes... I've been working with Alrisha for hours to be able to improve it and also working out a budget, I hardly understood what your engineers have told me about the technology necessary for my plants to grow in the central transportation hub, I've talked to the builders to know when they can start working and set a deadline, with botanists to know which species will be available in this greenhouse to plant there or if I have to order some to the Earth... All that must be organized and written on a good paper for the Council members and I also need to study the presentation, learning it by heart, so I can give a coherent speech and they can understand me..."

"Of course," my angel looks at me calmed. "So what's the problem?"

"I'm human, Ruby, and my brainpower it's equal to the one of a mosquito compared to an Anunnaki... You gave me only one day to do a job that would need at least a week!" I growl angrily while she raises an eyebrow.

"That's not true, there's nothing wrong with your brainpower and you have state-of-the-art technology to help you... Human computers need more time than Alrisha to make a 3D video of your new park and a detailed map, she can come up with an exact budget in seconds, you don't need to understand our engineers... only tell them what do you want and they'll get it for you. It's true that you've been working under pressure these past hours but you've done so well and managed to make it in time..."

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