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"Are you sure you feel okay?" I ask worried while my mate flops down next to me. Iselen sighs and nods, rolling her eyes hard, I can feel she's upset because I can't stop asking the same question again and again but my protective instincts are stronger than my cautiousness and I can't help watching her closely despite she gets mad at me. "I'm sorry, my love, don't be angry with me..."

"Ruby, female humans can be nauseous in the morning and it's totally normal. Please, calm down, everything is all right. We both are okay..." My precious mate takes my hand and leans it on her growing baby bump; actually, it's not obvious that she's pregnant when she stands up and the T-shirt hides her abdomen but I know Selene is in there, growing healthy and strong, and the thought makes me happy but fills me with anxiety at the same time. "Babe..." Her fingers touch my jaw before going up and she runs her fingers through my pink and purple hair, I can't help closing my eyes and purring the way Ishtar would do. "If you intend to monitor all my movements for the next seven months, you're going to drive me crazy and we'll fight... Is that what you want?" I shake my head but keep my eyes shut while she rubs my nape. "You have to learn how to relax..."

"All right," I whisper reluctantly and she moves her hand away after grazing my jawline for the last time. "Or I could tell Heze that you're feeling sick and she'll fix it, I'm sure of that."

"Don't you dare... The doctor is really busy right now."

My mate points at the beautiful beach with white sand and the blue ocean sparkling blindly under the sun light, it's still early in the morning and not very hot yet so we're comfortable sitting on this Balinese bed under the palm trees drinking fruit juices. But Darla is too curious and full of energy to be quiet and still and she's dragged Heze to the sea shore to take a look at the fish and starfishes, collecting shells and colourful stones too. My friend smiles happily and follows her mate meekly wherever the pretty girl with silver skin wants to go: it's getting easier for Darla to communicate in Iselen's language and they both know each other better, their bond is getting stronger.

"I've never seen Heze so relaxed before," I whisper frowning, perplexed, wondering if I have the same lovesick fool's face every time I stare at my mate entranced.

"You both were workaholic and a partner was exactly what you needed to walk out of that cave called laboratory you spend your days in." Iselen takes a quick look at a litchi and decides to bite it cautiously, I hold my breath watching her chewing and swallowing but it seems to land in her stomach well and she decides to eat another one. I sigh relieved and nod before looking at her, perplexed again.

"Cave? My lab isn't dark and has no stone walls..."

"It was a metaphor, Ruby, I mean it was time for you both to have a little fun. I don't know who had the idea of coming to this resort in Philippines for two weeks but this is perfect and I'm happy we're here." My girl pushes a chunk of pineapple away, grimacing, and decides to grab a piece of watermelon.

"It was Antares..." Iselen looks at me shocked while chewing. "After kicking the last alien's butt out of the solar system, he was very busy fixing the fighter ships, visiting wounded soldiers, working with Kullat to reinforce the defence system of the mother ship, training human pilots to learn some of our tricks... I told him to get some time off because I thought he needed a vacation and someone told him about this hotel, he liked it a lot and recommended it to me later..."

"Okay, tell him I said thank you next time you talk to him. I guess he's enjoying being the top boss while you're away on holidays..."

"I'm not sure... He looked a bit overwhelmed yesterday through the screen, I think he's finally realized how hard I work now that he has to do my share too... but at least he doesn't go to the lab to play the scientist role. He's lucky." I can't help chuckling before taking a sip of my juice.

"Vir will help him..."

"Vir is visiting a place called Tokyo because... the computer found her mate yesterday." Iselen chokes on a piece of tangerine and I straighten my back, scared, but she drinks a sip of her juice and takes a deep breath waving her hand at me to tell me not to move.

"Seriously? I'm sorry... Who's her mate?"

"Mmmm... Wait, if I remember correctly... It's a bit difficult for me but... The girl is skinny and short, has purple hair and always wears pink clothes and works drawing something called manga... Oh, and her name is Maiko. I think that's all I know. Does it make sense to you?"

"It makes sense, at least a little..." Iselen laughs amused while shaking her head. "Japanese culture is different from the one in my country but I'd love to visit Tokyo. And food is delicious there..."

"We can go whenever you want... Babe..." I whisper watching Darla jumping sea waves with her partner. "I had a meeting with the Council members the other day while you were showing the new greenhouse to the school children and their teachers... Heze told us everything about putting down roots... settling in... She said that this concept is crucial to the correct growth and emotional development of the babies my race is having with their human mates because you aren't nomads like Annunaki... And we've decided to stay here for a while, you know, near the Earth."

"And what does that mean when it comes to your race? I mean, ten years maybe?" Iselen asks staring at me worried and I shake my head.

"As long as we can work together without fighting and this new civilization is prosperous and beneficial for all... Maybe a thousand years..."

"Oh okay, well... That's great... I like the idea." My pretty mate gets relaxed on the bed again, leaning her back on a pillow so her T-shirt gets stuck to her belly showing me the soft curve that's protecting Selene. I can't help leaning my hand on her abdomen again and smiling when I see the jasmine tattoo she designed on my wrist, she'll pick out a new one in a few months to celebrate the birth of our daughter.

"I also talked to Alex, the boy who helped you in the flower shop..." Iselen raises her head to look at me surprised and confused. "I thought that, since we're going to stick around for a while, I could restore your grandparents' house making it more comfortable adding Annunaki technology to be able to spend some holidays there so Selene can put down roots, the way Heze taught us... But Alex answered that you'd love a house on the beach... only he didn't know what beach and there're a lot on this planet."

"Okay... that's another good idea. You're very smart, Nin Dingir." I shrug confused: we both know that my Annunaki brain is pretty efficient. "I such cases, humans choose a different beach every time they go on vacation, they try restaurants around and activities like scuba diving or boat trips, they check if there're supermarkets or pubs to grab a drink and dance near the house, they compare the different beaches and decide which one they like the most finally or which one suits their interest best before buying one."

"So it's similar to the study about sex toys we're conducting..." I mumble pensively.

"Sort of, yes..." my girl answers, smiling amused.

"It'll take us ages to buy one, then," I whisper annoyed. "We've been trying dildos, vibrators and other stuff for months and you always find a new one to try... It'll take years to write the damned paper!" Iselen bursts into laughing next to me while I stare at her completely floored, I fail to see the humour but I don't care. If my precious human is happy, I'm happy too. 


This wasn't intentional but I've finished this book on May the 4th, the Star Wars Day! I'm aligned with the Universe. 

Anyway, thank you for reading, commenting, voting... Aliens aren't my cup of tea, usually, I'm more into vampires and medieval warriors but I think I've managed to write a pretty decent story and now... moving off to a new book. Love you all!

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