Chapter 19

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Asahi POV :

Meeting Daichi at the coffee shop was weird, I'd never seen the person who was the self proclaimed backbone of the team so broken. Despite the title being self-proclaimed he had proven he was worthy of it time and time again. After coach Ukai went into retirement and he took it upon himself to work on practice drills for us, when we would lose a match and he would carry everyone's personal burdens on his shoulders. It's why if anyone else had told me we are going to make it to nationals - I wouldn't have believed them. 

Seeing him hunched over, cradling his coffee, fighting back tears in order to protect his fragile pride. It felt wrong, dirty - like something you're not supposed to see and if you do see it, something you're not supposed to talk about. I also remembered the countless times Daichi had been there for me, to help carry me through my trials and tribulations. My first break-up, the argument I had with my folks when I 'ran-away' for a week, the bullying in the first year, the anxiety attacks before tests. Despite emotional support being one of his weaknesses, he had always tried to support me - and now it was my turn to support him.

"Look why don't we do something?" I offered, I wasn't sure what, or why. It just felt like sitting here dwelling wasn't going to get anything done, nothing productive at least. I'm sure sitting in this rustic coffee shop for the next three hours would be the perfect place to start harbouring your feelings and truly allowing the negative thoughts to soak in - slowly solidify themselves as fact. "We could go to the park, although there's a nip in the air there's some sunshine too, we can get ice-cream." I smiled happily, come on Daichi I just need you to return that smile. He nodded before taking a gulp of his coffee. 

His eyes still refused to meet mine, he still looked so broken as if he was trying to glue his heart back together with adhesive. "Sure, the park sounds great - I'm not sure I'm appropriately dressed though." He offered a slight smile, only briefly but it's something. After the comment I finally took it upon myself to glance over what my friend was wearing. A maroon sweater and some black joggers. He could definitely do with some more layers to fight against the nip in the air. 

"Well let's go to mine, we can just relax! I can get the cookie dough out, we can have ice-cream there, pretty sure Yui has left all her at home spa things out - could be pretty amusing to fumble around with that." I smirked, although he would paint himself as a manly man, I know he would have a laugh attempting to wear a facemask with me. "And I promise, no peel-off face mask in my eyebrows this time." I laughed at the memory, most traumatic attempt at skincare ever. 

He started chuckling as well, only slightly at first before it became a loud laugh. "That was so funny." He smiled at me, "You didn't have any eyebrows left..." I grimaced at the details he just had to yell out loud in a coffee shop - but at least he was looking more like himself. 

Don't worry Daichi, if you break I'll be there with the glue gun.

We sat and spoke, it didn't flow as well as normal but I would hop in with some stupid reminiscent memory to fill any silences that extended for slightly too long. We finished our drinks before we started walking to my house, I offered Daichi my coat since I had been smart enough to layer up. He thanked me and took it sheepishly. "Stop acting like you're my partner Asahi." He mocked, the joking tone was back in his voice which was a relief to say the least. "Imagine if you gave Noya your coat... it would be like a cloak trailing on the floor after him." He ended up laughing loudly to himself as I flushed pink.

"Dai! You can't say things like that." My hands flew up to hide my flushed cheeks, "Anyway, I'm not going to let you freeze to death! Fucking moron, leaving the house in a jumper and joggers in September. Sheesh, and I bet you didn't even wear the winter kit for practice this morning." Usually it would be Sugawara's job to lecture him, he needs someone to keep him in check when his manhood starts getting in the way of his health. "Come on, it's cold and SOMEONE has stolen my jacket." I smiled folding my arms.

"Someone? Dude you gave me it! I didn't have a choice." He joked back attempting to jump on my back. I ran out of the way just in time as he then began to chase me. The playful banter we usually shared, the same sort of playfulness we have had since first year together. He chased me all the way back to my house as we crashed into the living room. "Pardon the intrusion." He apologised to my Mum who simply rolled her eyes at the two of us.

"Asahi you wanker!" Yui called out, great the big sister coming to scold me. What have I done this time? she plodded down the stairs before coming over me to purposely mess up my hair. "I'm at a friends tonight, remember what we agreed to tell mum?" She asked before pulling on my earlobe threateningly. 

"You're at Miya's... and definitely not having a house party with the basketball club." I mocked only causing her to yank my earlobe harder and I eventually cowered before her. "Sorry Yui." I muttered as she let go and I went to fixing my hair and holding my sore ear. 

"Mum I'm off to Miya's!" She yelled before grabbing her bags.

"Yeh definitely not the basketball club..." I mumbled again trying to get in the last word and only just managing to duck when a croc came flying down the hallway towards my face. "SORRY YUI!" I panicked crawling behind Daichi to hide, who at this point was just laughing uncontrollably.

After she had left, and I was sure I would be safe from further flying objects I went and slumped onto the sofa, Daichi following suit. "Thanks Asahi." He smiled softly. I simply shot a smile back before trying to think up something to do before he could... Before he could do exactly what he just did and pull his phone out.

"NO!" I yelled attempting to snatch the device, I knew exactly what he was checking for, he wanted to see if Suga had responded to him, wanted to know if Suga had messaged him, see if Suga cared enough to chase after him. I'd done the same after me and Noya fought. "Don't beat yourself up." I tried but he had already gone onto the messages and started typing something, maybe I can't stop him. Perhaps the best course of action is to let him get it out his system... maybe that is all I can do.

Watch him break himself and just be there to pick up the pieces. It hurt that Suga had shut me out too... I guess maybe we can break together and support each other. At least that way neither of us are alone.

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