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Sugawara POV:

As we left the house, I left a note on the counter for my mum, apologising for not making her a green tea and explaining that I would be out all day, so if she need me, she would need to ring me. Of course, I was praying she wouldn't ring me but it was always good to warn people. "So Mr Sawamura, where are we going?" I asked smiling to myself, I had wrapped up due to the September cold, the cool air no doubt making my cheeks tint pink. 

"Well, first we are off to get some breakfast." Daichi responded before taking my hand in his and dragging me down the streets, we turned corners and turns, walking past our usual coffee spot and further into the darker streets where sunlight couldn't reach. The buildings stood tall amongst one another as we walked through the alleyways, I subconsciously inched closer to Daichi having never ventured to this part of town. I definitely felt like I could be mugged in this area, not to judge on appearances but it wasn't the nicest area to walk through. The concrete walls were coating in layers of cracked graffiti and bottles and cans littered the floor. 

"If you wanted to murder me, you could have at least gone to the woods with me. At least make it cottagecore." I muttered as Daichi chuckled at me. Not helping with the whole 'murder me in an alley' vibe. 

He looked back at me with a big grin on his face, "I promise you it's going to be worth it. This place is a hidden gem. Like a crystal in the rough... or whatever the saying is."

"Crystal... I think there's some of that on the floor - it's called meth Dai." I groaned sarcastically only making him laugh further. "So how did you find this place?" I prodded, hoping filling the area with sound would detract from the ominous presence it was casting around me.

Daichi paused leaving me in silence for a brief moment before speaking up again, "I wasn't the nicest in junior high and for a few years I got in with the wrong high school crowd and thought I was hot shit." He chuckled awkwardly, "Bit embarrassing I know, however we were kind of hanging around the alleyways as morons do and we stumbled across this little shop, no one else wanted to go in so I snuck back when we all went home so I didn't look uncool. The lady that runs it is so nice, she helped me a lot before I entered high school. She is kind of like a grandma to the neighbourhood." 

Just as his story had finished we turned the corner where a small street lamp was illuminating a doorway that almost shone compared to it's grungy surroundings. It was painted a pastel pink and there was food and water outside for stray cats and dogs. As Daichi opened the door it was like stepping into another world, the coffee shop inside was all pastel colours with a cake stand stood by the counter. Various cakes and buns were displayed in cases and there was fairy lights illuminating the ceiling. "Hey Nona!" Daichi called as he walked up to the counter, there stood a small elderly woman. She still had blue rollers in her long grey hair, it was all pinned up and then wrapped in a bandana to hold her rollers in place, she wore a floral blouse and blue jeans.

"Daichi!" She quickly scurried around from behind the counter to engulf in his a hug, that was until she noticed his cast and almost pulled a face of disappointment. "Daichi." Her tone had dropped to a warning before she karate chopped him on the head causing Daichi to grunt and reach up with his left hand to rub the spot she just attacked. "Is that from fighting, I thought we were past this." Daichi cowered before the woman as she folded her arms reading everything she needed to from his demeanour. "You rage monkey, what am I going to do with you?"

"Nona, you're not allowed to be mad at me, I'm on a date." Daichi grumbled as he looked in my direction sulking, as he glanced at me so did the two warm eyes of the lady. She hobbled up to me, looking up to inspect my face and features, as if she was reading into my soul as if it were a novel as she absorbed each and every one of my features. "Oh, can she touch you?" Daichi asked as the woman flexed her hands a little bit. I frowned a bit confused as she continued to inspect me rather closely.

"She's partially blind, well legally blind so she kinda... smushes your face to figure out how you look." Daichi explained, it made it sound less creepy so I nodded to Daichi and he told 'Nona' that she could do whatever she needed to. Her soft hands ran over my cheeks before feeling across the bridge of my nose and then down to my shoulders, she had closed her eyes and was letting her hands roam over my face, neck and then back up to my hair. 

"You got yourself a handsome lad here Daichi, I'm almost proud. If it wasn't for that obnoxious blue cast. Even I could see it fool." Daichi grumbled at her again before she went back behind the counter ready to take our orders. "Your usual Daichi?" She asked smiling sweetly, as if she hadn't just been scolding him. I wanted to laugh at the almost family dynamic the pair shared. 

"Two of the usual would be amazing, thanks." She hobbled into the kitchens in the back as Daichi called out the number of the table we were going to sit at. "So, yeh this is the best coffee shop you will ever find." After sitting for a while she came out from the back with a tray, the tray had two cappuccino's with a little chocolate on the saucers and two pieces of chocolate cake. 

I looked up at Daichi who was smiling, now would be the perfect time to surprise him with my half-joke idea. Slipping my hand into my bag I pulled out a disposable camera I had picked up at the store yesterday, I loved how much fun it was having it with us in Tokyo so I decided to do it for our first date too. As quietly as I could I wound up the film before clicking it and capturing a picture of Daichi - who looked almost enamoured with his cake. 

He looked up at my stunned from the flash before he blushed a rose pink upon seeing the camera in my hands, I couldn't help myself as if on auto-pilot I wound the film and clicked it a second time. He looked so perfect, so dreamy. He was truly beautiful, the dusting of blush, the way his lashes brushed against his cheekbones when he blinked. "Gorgeous." I didn't mean to mumble it but it just fell from my lips and into the open, only causing his blush to deepen and me to swipe another picture. 

"Suga, you'll waste the film!" He laughed as he reached across to snatch the camera from me, snapping me out of m y lovesick gaze. "I have a present for you, sorry if it's not great. Sakura and Mizuki helped but... erm... let me just give you it." He rambled before reaching into his bag and pulling out what at first looked like a photo album and a packet of developed pictures. He slid them both across the table avoiding my gaze as he flushed a crimson. 

I read the front of the photo-album, it only read the current year in cursive so I gently opened it up, inside it was a scrapbook with some of the photos we took in Tokyo labelled and stuck in, decorated with stickers and washi tape. He had even stuck in our tickets for going up Skytree in with a photo of us both at the top. I looked through the four filled out pages in awe, a little surprised when I turned the page only to see it blank. 

"I was hoping we could fill out the rest together." He smiled sheepishly up at me as I felt it was my turn to flush. 

"Fuck why are you so romantic!" 

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