What's a CPU?

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Pantheon's POV

Pantheon silently wakes up and listens with eyes closed.

Neptune: So like, you turn into a CPU? Isn't it bad if anybody can become one...?

Noire: It's not easy, so it's not a problem. Seriously, what's wrong with you? This is basic, common knowledge.

Neptune: It's not my common knowledge! Me, Nep Jr., and everyone else were born CPUs!

Plutia: You were born that way? Woooow, that's so neat...

Noire: "I told you to stop believing everything this girl says.

Neptune: Man this is so crazy. It's like I've literally fallen down into a different world. I'm curious though. How do you become a CPU? Does something good come from it?"

Noire: "I can't believe you're this ignorant. I kind of pity you. Whatever it's annoying, but I'll explain it to you.

Pantheon: (I will listen because I feel this conversation will give me a answer to what powerful beings are called at least part.)

Neptune: Yay! I'm not pumped about how you phrased it, but do go on!

Noire: First you need a CPU Memory, which is found inside of a Memory Core.

Neptune: Oh, like a class change item! Kinda boring names, though. Are they rare drops?

Noire: Beyond rare. Legendary. Only a few Memory Cores exist and they only produce CPU memories once every couple of centuries. (Skip a few lines)

Noire: The interval is still randomized, so it's not like you can set a clock for the next one's arrival.

Noire: If you really want one, I guess you could camp for it, like you said, but competition is kind of light.

Plutia: Aaaaand, there's a Memory Core near this place... (Skip a few lines)

Noire: You need that item to turn into a CPU, but that doesn't mean ANYONE with it can become a CPU. Only people born with certain qualities are eligible, so if someone lacking those tries...

Neptune: Yeah, yeah? If they try...?

Noire: I mean it's an old fairy tale, but I was told that they would turn into a hideous monster. (Skip a few lines)

Noire: It is risky, but I think there's some merit to becoming a CPU. First of all, you can go and found your own nation.

Neptune: Huh? So the CPUs make the nations? Not the other way round?

Plutia: Oh, I know what you mean... Did the chicken or the egg hatch first, riiiight?

Neptune: Yeah, kinda-sorta! But anyway, whichever is first, it all ends up the same, huh?

Noire: Not to interrupt your philosophical musings, but I'm going to continue talking. Second, you gain divine powers. And with those powers, you protect and guide humanity.

Noire: If you do a good job, people will have more faith in you, and that increases your powers further."

Neptune: See, that jives with what I know about CPUs.

Noire: For the longest time, there was only one CPU in existence and ruled the only nation around. It's still fine for those who believe in her, but many disagree with, and have no faith in, this CPU.

Noire: Life outside of her nation's borders can be pretty hard to endure. That's why I want to become a CPU and give those people a new nation for them to believe in!

Neptune: That's exactly the type of motivation Class President Noire would have. (Skip a few lines)

Noire: I must hurry and become a CPU. It'd kill me if I turn into an old hag while Plutia stays young...

Plutia: Aww, you'll be okay... You'd be a cute old lady, Noire...

Neptune: Noire, Spinster Edition... Hahaha! I'd pay to see that! But seriously, I doubt you'd be cute. You'd probably wear floral muumuus and lecture Kids these days. (Skip a few lines)

Neptune: That settles it! I'm gonna become a CPU! Again! For the approximate 240 million members of the Nep-Nep fan club. I vow to keep my current figure!

Plutia: Oh, fun... You're going to become a CPU, too...?

Noire: If it were that easy, I'd already be one, y'know. You have no idea how hard I've been trying...

Neptune: So basically, if we find that memory thing, I call dibs. And then you can get one, Noire.

Noire: Excuse me? Where do you get off deciding that?

Neptune: Dude! Come on! Main characters always get priority! I mean, even if you become a CPU, you wont be all that popular. Thus, Nep-Nep gets dibs.

Noire: Whatever! I know I'd be way more popular than you! I'm not giving my item to you!

Plutia: Hehehe... I hope all three of us get to become CPUs...

Pantheon: Can you put me down Plutia? I can walk to you know? And I'm still afraid as well, as you see my bones would pierce my organs or flesh if I'm squeezed to tightly.

Plutia: Please be careful.

Pantheon: Alright please no one pick me up anymore, I'm fragile, and frail, even though I have eternal youth.

Plutia: Alright. (we will not stop trying to help you.)

Pantheon: *Thousands of bone popping noises as I stretch and I grab my cane* Ah now my bone shards are back in place lets go home.

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