Chapter 8: A Beautiful Gold

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"Goodmorning." His powerful voice filled with authority boomed behind me.

"Goodmorning." I whispered back quietly. "Isn't there a kitchen in the guest house?"

It was hard enough having to live next to him; he didn't need to be in my kitchen as soon as the day started, when all I needed was my coffee.

"Alpha Baker invited me for breakfast with your family,  Beta and Third-in command. I'm apologize if I'm intruding."

"No it's ok." I said very quickly, feeling guilty. "I just wished someone gave me a warning."

I turned to place my mug in the sink when I felt him behind me.

"Do I make you nervous?" he asked directly next to my ear sending shivers down my spine.

"Yes" I wanted to respond but I stayed quiet.

"Why did you run?" He asked.

Before I could answer, another voice filled the hallway to my kitchen making Alerick jump away from me.

"Alrighty!" Ryan's voice sounded through the halls. "I heard we chowing down with the king! Better be on your best behavior Erica. Don't want to make a bad...uh-uh ." The stunned look on Ryan's face was enough to make me laugh but I was too scared of what Alerick would do to even make a move.

"I'm so sorry,  my Lord." Ryan  apologized quickly and Alerick held up his hand to stop him from continuing.

"No, it is my apologies. I have entered your home and we have not properly met. I am Alerick Rogers, the Alpha King. Please just call me Alerick."

"Uhhhh I'm Ryan Oglesby. The third-in command. Uhh you can just call me Ryan. We met yesterday actually."

I chuckled at him being nervous.

"Oh yes. My apologies." Alerick responded. "Well I cannot wait to 'chow down' with you."

Ryan walked over to where I was standing and lazily threw his arm around my waist and pulled me closer. "Trust me. The Baker family is one of the best chowing down you will have."

Alerick's eyes flashed black then yellow and back to it's normal brown before he nodded his head and left the kitchen.

I turned to ask Ryan if he noticed anything weird about Alerick's behavior when I heard the most scariest thing ever; our Beta's voice.

"You two!"

We both turned slowly to face him with a terrified look on our face.

Allen Clark.

He was a really masculine man in his early thirties. Many members of the pack feared him even though my father tried to convince everyone he had a kind heart. I knew how nice he really was but no one could blame me for jumping everytime I heard his deep voice.

My father offered him the Alpha position at one point but he turned it down saying he believed my father was the best leader for the pack.

"Yes Beta Clark?" I asked once I straighten up and got over my self.

"Please exit the kitchen. Our Luna promised breakfast and I'm hungry."

I chuckled at his attempt to make a joke.

"Yea. You should go Ryan. My mother probably wants my help."

"No I don't." I heard my mother's voice say. "Get out."

What's up with people and the kitchen this morning?

"I love you too Mom." I said before walking out to look for Alerick because our conversation was far from being finished.


"Alerick! Wait up."

I turned around shocked to see her. After I headed out the kitchen, I started to walk towards the trees. Honestly I didn't know where I was going but I knew my guards wouldn't be pleased.

"Yes Erica? How may I help you?"

Her eyebrows furrowed at my questions.

"Why are you so formal with me? You don't have to act all high and mighty around me, you know."

"Why are you with Ryan? Why didn't you wait for me?"

I held my head inbetween my hands and tried to calm down. My wolves were fighting for dominace of this situation. They wanted to rage.

"With Ryan? What the hell are you on Alpha Rogers?"

The way she said my name was sarcastically and I didn't like it.

"For your information, Ryan and I are just friends so get over yourself."

She turned to walk away and I grabbed her wrist and pulled her close to my chest.

"I'm sorry." I said close to her ear. "My wolves jumped to a conclusion."

"Your wolves?" she asked. She leaned forward into my chest and my heart started to beat faster. Dear Goddess, I was starting to sound like a high schooler. "You mean wolf right?"

"No, wolves. My body is strong enough to acquire two wolves."

"That-that makes no sense. We all have one wolf. Not-not wolves!" She stuttered.

"As you may already know,  people feared Orthrus, the two-headed dog, so they asked their Gods to help. Their god seperated us and it was our destiny to find our other half, our mates, to complete us again. To make us the best we have ever been."

I looked down on her. She was gazing at me with such intensity and interest with her big brown eyes.

"As the Alpha King," I continued. "The moon goddess believed I deserved another wolf. One that radiated power. I was born into this world with two wolves, like many other Alpha Kings; one for my title and one for my mate."

"What is the color of your other wolf?" She asked hesitantly.

"A beautiful gold."

She hesitated before asking this question. "What wolf do you like better?"

"Honestly? I like the wolf for my mate."

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