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2: 00 AM, 21/04/21

As Taeyong sat beside his wide windows which showed him the view of the whole city, he was listening to music and crying. It just hurt him like that. How? His ex left him a few hours ago. Taeyong expected it because he was really rude and didn't care about Taeyong for the past few weeks, but still it hurt him like a bullet. As hot salty water drops down his cheeks he sniffles he didn't care wether his makeup got smeared or not. He just wanted to cry his eyes out, for all he cared. His playlist was now on the fifth song as he sobbed. He and his ex used to listen to this song together thus while cuddling. All he could think about was his ex, sure he had been rude to Taeyong but still. He closed his eyes the heavy weight on his eyelids finally felt light. He let himself drift off to sleep as he slowly leaned against the wall feeling it's cold cement.

~ started : April 24 2021, 24/04/21 ~

~ time taken : 1 month 1 day ~

~ ended : May 25 2021, 25/05/21 ~

a/n : enjoy reading! <3

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