Chapter 29

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7: 00 AM, 09/05/21

Taeyong woke up due to the constant shaking of the plane. He sat up to find a cute little Donghyuck sleeping beside him. He wondered why the plane kept shaking repeatedly. He wanted to ask a worker but he couldn't spot anyone near him. Just then he saw a flight attendant passing by him. He called her and asked 'Uhm, miss is the plane okay? It seems to be shaking every once in a while.' The flight attendant didn't say anything back, she just nodded her head. Weird.

Taeyong knew something fishy was up. He really wanted to know what. It could've been a failure in the engine. The plane might crash. They might get killed. All those types of negative thoughts were flooding Taeyong's mind. He tried his best to not go into bad or deep conclusions but he had a bad feeling. The plane eventually shook every minute which made Doyoung, Donghyuck and Johnny wake up. Johnny being confused asked the flight attendant 'Miss, is there something wrong with the plane? It keep shaking...' The flight attendant then again just shook her head, not wanting to reveal the truth.

It was about 5 hours now. They were supposed to land in Thailand and take another flight from there. But the plane didn't seem to land. They had passed Thailand. 'What's happening?' Donghyuck asked, head buried in Taeyong's chest. 'Don't worry Hyuck, it's nothing.' Taeyong tries to reassure the scared boy. 'But we already passed Thailand. Johnny said we were supposed to land in Thailand...' Taeyong nodded, he also realized the weird thing. What's happening? Why didn't they land yet? His thought were cut off by a female's voice coming from the speakers. 'Everyone who are in the flight...The left wing of this plane broke. The masks above you are going to drop soon, please put them on. The plane might crash. Also, please put your seatbelt on, we will be supposedly landing roughly. '

that one night ; johnyongOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz