Chapter 3

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11:58 PM, 22/04/21

Taeyong still had an hour left before he met up with Doyoung. Right now, he was stuffing a spoonful of ice cream in his mouth and watching a movie. Right at that moment it hit 12. Taeyong's alarm went off, which meant he had to get ready now. He got up switched the TV off. He then picked out some cloths, he was simply wearing a hoodie and a pair of jeans. He hid his hoodie with his coat and decided to wear a pair of glasses. He then decided to call a Uber, because he didn't want to drive at night. He had also thought of how much lazy he became after his breakup, he chuckled at the thought. Then, He decided to play the movie he was seeing for half an hour.

Johnny was now getting ready. He wore a black shirt and some tight black ripped jeans which fit his legs perfectly. He had decided he would drive his own car, just to flex. He had a lot of time left, but nothing to do. He decided to play some online games until it hit 12: 30.

Now the time was 12:30 PM and both the men were on their way to the same club. What they didn't know, was that they'd meet, again. As soon as they reached the club, they got in and started looking for both of their best friends. Taeyong couldn't find Doyoung, nor could Johnny find Donghyuck. Taeyong and Johnny both were heading the same way on the bar counter. Both had reached the counter and ordered for shots. They did not see each other because they were both looking towards the bartender. Taeyong drank a shot, another shot, one after another. Finally, Taeyong was drunk out of his mind. Taeyong finally looked toward Johnny. He widened his eyes as soon as he saw that same cat-like face. Johnny also took some shots and noticed the weird man staring at him as if he had saw a jackpot. Johnny was about to go, when someone grabbed his hands and turned him towards him. The next thing he knew, he was in a hug with someone he did not even know.

Taeyong pulled away at stared at Johnny, then he put his eyes together and pushed them together. He was about to say something but as soon as he opened his mouth, a hiccup escaped. Johnny found it very cute. Taeyong opened his mouth again and managed to get some thing out, all that was gone out was 'you' then another hiccuped occupied the next words. He managed to say something in between his hiccups, 'you are the cat-like man that's been bothering my mind all day! Hmph! You have to apologize to yongie!' That's what Johnny heard, he found it extremely cute. 'I've been bother yongie's mind all day?', 'yes!' Taeyong hiccuped. Next thing Taeyong knew, he had kissed Johnny. 'W-woahhh, cat-like man's lips are so soft, can I do it again?!' Johnny couldn't even say anything before he was pulled into another kiss. After one more kiss Taeyong asked 'what's you name though? I never got it hehe' Johnny chuckled and said 'My name is Johnny.'

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