Chapter 14

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7:00 AM, 26/04/21

'Ugh I have work today' was the first thing Taeyong said as he groaned after he woke up. He got freshened. He then put on his black jacket with a white shirt underneath and wore a pair of black ripped jeans. He put on a pair of Nike airs and grabbed his black leather backpack. He put his laptop and files inside the bag and walked out the door slamming it shut and then locking it.

He was walking on the footpath when he thought about what had happened last night. Did his heart really beat for Johnny? He scoffs to himself and tilts his head. He was walking up to the café he visited everyday before work, The Na's Café. He walked in with a smile and greeted the cashier and worker. He looked over and saw a familiar tall man. Who was he? He narrowed his eyes and walked closer to the guy. He was sitting there with a girl.

He kept going closer and closer until he realized who that was. It was Johnny. He gasped and backed up. He was waiting to see what was going to happen. The girl kissed Johnny. Taeyong felt his breath hitch up to his throat he let his hand which was holding the backpack strip drop. Johnny then looked over to see who was spying on him and his so-called girl best friend. He saw Taeyong. He widened his eye and slapped the girl's jaw away from his lips. 'Shit' he whispered. Taeyong ran out of the café and ran straight to his home.

He went in and hurriedly locked the door knowing Johnny was behind him. Right after locking the door he slid down the door and curled up. Johnny came and knocked on the door 'Taeyong, I know you're in there please.. please open up, I can explain.' They weren't even dating, what could he explain to Taeyong? Taeyong slowly said in a weak voice 'p-please, go a-away. I n-need some t-time alone.' 

that one night ; johnyongDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora