Chapter 1

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12:00 AM, 21/04/21

Johnny was on his way back to the apartment, he was simply minding his own business with EarPods in his ears. Not until a man was running while sobbing, Johnny thought it was really weird. They man hit Johnny's shoulder, Johnny didn't mind it since he thought the man was having a bad day or something. The man apologized, but his face was covered with his soft brown locks. Johnny chuckled 'It's okay.' Then the man went on his own way and so did Johnny. Once Johnny had reached his huge apartment he laid his bag down and wanted to take a shower. After taking a shower, he decided to sleep. So, he plopped himself down on the bed and drifted off to sleep.

Taeyong was now running while sobbing, he, himself thought it was really weird but still. He didn't care what he thought or the others thought he kept running and running until he was away from the so-place where his Ex broke up with him. He ran stubbornly through the street, not caring wether he would've gotten into an accident or not. He accidentally hit a man's shoulder. Taeyong bowed down and apologized to him. He lift his face up and saw the man chuckling, the man's chuckling was weirdly satisfying for Taeyong. They were in the middle of the street with cars stopping their way and a red light. The man said 'It's okay' while chuckling. Taeyong didn't know why but he had realized that the man had cat-like features which made him really cute, but the voice didn't match with the face. His voice was as deep as the ocean, at least that's what Taeyong thought. Then Taeyong separated ways with him by running away. The lad started sobbing again after thinking of what had happened at the park with his ex.

Once Taeyong had reached his home, he grabbed his earphones and sat beside the wide window which showed him the full aesthetic view of Korea. He started a unknown playlist and closed his eyes leaning his head on the cement wall beside him. He let tears fall on his cheek, not stopping them. After 2 hours of crying, Taeyong couldn't take it any more. He was really sleepy, so he closed his eyes and let the heavy weight on his eyelids drown into a pool of sleep. 

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