Chapter 11: Hard Times

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Yoongi let's out a quiet huff, it was a slow night at the bar and he wanted nothing more then for it to be over already.

His day had already been ruined when Jimin's most likely soon-to-be boyfriend came by for a visit. The development between the two was beyond noticeable and all Yoongi wanted to do was break them apart. And don't even get him started on the touches.

They were subtle, yet he noticed and despised all of them.

And the worst part of all, was that Jimin seemed to actually be serious about the guy. It wasn't like all the other times someone had caught his friend's eye where it was clear as day that nothing remotely long-term would come of it. But this time, this time it looked like it would take more then just a deathly glare to scare this one away.

"Why the glum expression?"

Yoongi sighs feeling defeated, his stare not leaving the bar top as he responds to Junhee. "Have you ever wondered what life would be like if we didn't have or feel emotions?"

He hears the other exhale a breathy laugh. "Trouble in paradise?" Yoongi shrugs.

"I guess you could say that."

"Mhmm. Well, personally I think that a life without having the ability to feel emotions would be exponentially worse then one with emotions. Our emotions make us who we are, shape us into the people we are today. I mean without them the human race would be drastically different from what we are now. We'd probably all be a bunch of sadistic fucks who wouldn't know what having a conscious meant."

"Yeah, that's probably true."

"We'd probably live on a battleground, carnage and destruction being all we understood and knew."

"Yeah, there'd probably be a perge every other day."

"A hanging every Thursday."

"A shoot off on Mondays."

"Beheadings on Wednesdays."

"Bombings on the weekends..."

The pair stare at each other for a few moments before breaking into fits of restrained laughter. People were giving them funny looks and judging stares, but they could care less.

"Yeah, I think it's better that we actaully care." Laughs Yoongi breathless.

"Most definitely."

Yoongi takes a moment to regain his breath, a smile settling on his lips. "Thanks for that, I needed it."

"No problem. So, what is it that's got you so down? If you don't mind me asking." Yoongi shrugs once again, trailing his fingers over the bar's semi-clean surface.

"Have you ever liked someone that you shouldn't?"

"Yes I have, a few people actaully."


"Well, let's just say I've got a string of rejections on my love life résumé. A lot of gay crushes that ended with the guy being straight and the girls not finding me to be manly enough for them, and yet, I still held onto those feelings I had for them."

"Jesus, now you've made me feel sorry for asking." Junhee chuckles taking a sip of his whiskey.

"Sorry for the inconvenience."

"Hey, just don't let it happen again, I might have to turn off my emotions if that happens again, and I can tell you now, I am fully capable of beheading someone."

Junhee has to put his glass down so as not to spill it's contents all over himself as his laughter has visible tremors quaking through him.

A subtle grin forms on Yoongi's lips as he watches the other laugh at his joke. His shifts would no doubt be far more boring if it weren't for Junhee's consistent company.

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