Chapter 17: The Unavoidable Inevitability

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Yoongi walked around his quiet room, humming the tune to a song he couldn't remember the name of. But it's dull and sullen, he couldn't get the lyrics to leave his head like some type of mental plague.

With every increase on the volume of his tone he would flex his fingers, the digit's movements mimicking those of someone playing the piano single-handedly.

The room was dimly lit, he hadn't bothered to put on the main light and instead went for using his desk lamp, which wasn't all too bright but it did the trick for him. He was passing the time by cleaning his room up a bit, though it hadn't really been messy in the first place.

He'd be heading down in a few minutes to catch the uber he would be taking to work tonight. Jimin couldn't drive him since he was spending the night over at Dae-Seon's, and he had already left around two hours ago.

The younger had offered to decline Dae-Seon's invite so he could drive Yoongi to work like usual, and although that's what he wanted he told Jimin not to worry and go spend time with his...

Yoongi wasn't quite sure what they were, and in all honesty, he didn't think Jimin knew either. He supposed they were just taking things slow, not wanting to label it yet. Which made Yoongi happy in a way because that meant they weren't serious yet.

And in some delusional way, that made him think he still had a chance. A chance at what? He wasn't sure, but it probably had something to do with making a huge fool of himself.

Checking the app on his phone, Yoongi sees that the driver was only a few minutes away, so grabbing his bag and a jacket he heads out of the apartment. The evening breeze was chilly to say the least, and with each passing day it had only been getting worse as winter was soon approaching.

Rubbing his arms, Yoongi looks from side to side, taking note of the things around him. Like the flickering street lamp a few metres away, or the single tree that stood out amongst the asphalt and concrete buildings that towered above it.

It was different from all the other trees from around the area that he'd seen, because laid upon it's bark were all different types of carvings, some just weird and random shapes while others were initials that had clustered the tree over the years.

Every time he ended up taking note of the tree Yoongi would wonder what made this particular plant so special that people would end up marking it in their own way after coming across it. From what he'd noticed it was the only tree in the neighbourhood that had been made up like this.

Perhaps someone years ago had just simply wanted to carve something into the tree for fun, or for sentimental value, something to come back to years later and look back on that time in their lives. Maybe that's what started it, and maybe someone else walked by and thought to do the same thing, leading many others to follow suit in their wake. Whether just for kicks or for a special reason of their own.

Yoongi thought it was cool, it gave the tree character, leaving it with a uniqueness of its own. He hoped it would be many years before some heartless human decided to cut it down, no doubt for some stupid meaningless reason.

Noticing the headlights coming his way, Yoongi looks up to find his lift pulling up to the curb, stopping right in front of him as the driver waits for him to get in. Climbing in he gives a polite bow to the driver along with a small greeting, getting one in return.

The drive would've been a silent one if it hadn't been for the radio playing and the sounds of the outside world that came through Yoongi's open window. He kept checking his phone, each time to see if Jimin had maybe messaged him. But of course, he hadn't.

Yoongi didn't know why each time he was doing this to himself. Because why would Jimin text him, what reason would he have to contact the elder? He was most likely too busy with Dae-Seon to even look at his phone let alone think about Yoongi.

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