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Star POV

I looked at pictures of Zoey and I. I couldn't help but feel conflicted. I couldn't leave him alone no matter how much he hurt me. He was my friend as well as my boyfriend and when the two mixed, it became hard to leave him alone. He wasn't always like this. Could it be stress from his rap dreams, his home life, me?

A tear fell from my eye when I looked at an old picture of us. It was the two of us driving around with the sun shining in the car. I was so caught up in reminiscing, I didn't hear the girls come in.

Bahja: Hey Nique.

Star: Hey y'all.

Bre: We going to get something to eat, you wanna come?

Star: Yeah.

We took the rental car Tamara ordered for us and Bre drove us to Chilli's. We sat at a table that was slightly isolated from everyone else since it was still early.

Bahja: Are you ok?

She asked looking concerned for me. 

Star: Yeah, why?

Bre: You seem so hurt lately. I can see the pain all over your face.

Star: I'm fine y'all.

Bahja: Girl, try that with somebody else. You are talking to Bahja and Breaunna, your sisters. If something is wrong you can tell us. Don't try to convince us that you're happy.

Star:  I am happy.

Bahja: Is it Zoey?

Star: No.

I said it so quickly, they didn't even believe. I wouldn't believe it either.

Bre: You can tell the truth. We're your girls and we love you.

She said grabbing my hand. Here come the waterworks. My eyes stung as a few tears slipped out.

Star: It's just so much going on and I don't know how to deal with it.

Bre: So let us help you.

Star: I don't need help, I just need us to work this out.

Bahja: What you need is to get rid of Zoey. You are Zonnique "Star" Pullins; daughter of Tameka "Tiny" Cottle and step daughter of Tip "T.I" Harris. You have come to far as a person to let him pull you down and make you feel alone. You are too much of a loving person to let him take you for granted.

I just listened to her while I cried silently. We all sat there crying.

Bre: You don't have to hide or be ashamed of him hurting you. We all go through heartbreak, but we write a song about it and keep it moving.

Star: I know he doesn't mean it, but it hurts.

Bahja: Let it all out.

Star: He cheats and he puts me down about everything I do. He tells me how we wouldn't have our little bit of fame if I didn't have my parents. And that we don't even mean much as far as artists.

They gasped offensively and Bre started snapping.

Bre: Last time I checked, he isn't even a verified artist to any label. He wouldn't have his bit of fame it weren't for your fans because all of his followers are OMG and MB fans anyway. How dare he belittle you for having talented parents! You have talent and that's why you are a Star baby girl. Don't let his punk ass pull you down to his level. You are a bona fide Officially Miss Guided diva and don't you forget it. Them hoes he cheats with can't hold a candle to you. So the next time he says that to you, let him know that he can kiss your expensive purple, pink and blue ass.

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