Detroit Part 2

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Khari POV

I was finally home after a stressful Wednesday. I had an upcoming test, a book report and I have volleyball tryouts. I sat down halfway through my homework when my dad came in.

Lavael: Why is there a boy downstairs?

Khari: A boy?

Lavael: Crescent or Christian something.

I thought for a minute about who it could have been.

Khari: Is he tall with light brown skin?

Lavael: I don't know, just go see who he is.

I walked down stairs and walked on to the screened in porch. The words escaped my mouth without a second thought.

Khari: What the hell are you doing in Detroit?

I jumped into his arms and he hugged me back.

Roc: I came here to see you and to come get my case back.

Khari: You flew out from L.A just to get a phone case?

Roc: Is it hard to believe that I booked a $300 flight from L.A to Detroit?

Khari: Well not really, since I'm just that awesome.

Roc: I was wondering since I didn't have to worry about working, can I take you out tonight?

Khari: You might not have work, but I do. I'm sorry. How long will you be here?

Roc: Just for tonight and tomorrow morning.

I sighed in sympathy for him. He flew to see me and I don't have any time for him.

Khari: I can ask if you can come in until I'm done with my homework and then we can go get something to eat.

Roc: Ok.

I went into the house and my dad was in the living room watching tv. I was praying for him to be in a good mood. I grew a pair and asked him if Roc could stay.

Lavael: Where do you think you're going on a school night?

Khari: Just to Buddy's and then to get some ice cream.

Lavael: Plenty of ice cream and pizza right here.

Khari: Please Dad. He flew all the way from California just to hang out.

Lavael: And he can fly his ass right back to California. It's a school night.

Khari: But-

He got up and walked to the kitchen.

Khari: I'll be gone until 10:00. I did my chores and my homework. I can pay for myself and so can he.

Lavael: Damn it Khari I said "no."

Khari: Plea-

My mom walked into the kitchen with Roc and they were both carrying grocery bags.

Charlene: Thanks for the help Chresanto.

Roc: You're welcome Mrs. Johnson.

Charlene: Khari you left this boy on the porch in the cold by him self.

Khari: I was in here asking Dad if we could go hang out till 10:00.

Charlene: Why can't you wait till the weekend?

Khari: He caught a flight from California to Detroit and he leaves in the morning.

Charlene: Aww! That's so cute.

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