Valentine's Day

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Erin POV

Valentine's Day was coming up and I wasn't sure if I had a valentine. I would call or text Princeton but he'd say he was busy working. I don't how much truth there was to his story, because I'd see a picture of him and Baby Doll hanging out together. But then I'd see him dancing with the guys and then a tweet about them in a studio.

It was so confusing. We weren't together, but for him to want me back so much, he blows me off a lot. Why is he blowing me off? I let it roll of my back as I tried to focus ony homework. It was hard to do when Christina was clicking her pen over and over.

Erin: Can you stop?!

Christina: This is my house and my room.

Erin: Ok, but I'm trying to do my homework?

Christina: And I'm trying to figure out when you became Hannah Montana. Ya know, how you both have double lives.

Erin: You know what?! I'm sick of you throwing shade at me for what I did. Not too long ago, you were rooting for me to be with him. Well are you happy now, cause I did. But for the sake of careers, we didn't tell anybody.

Christina: I'm your best friend. You should've told me.

Erin: And he was my boyfriend. I'm not required to tell you everything. We promised we'd tell his mom first, but that might not happen because I'm not sure if I wanna be back with him and he's too busy with Baby Doll. You're mad at me and Adrian for "lying" when we were just trying to protect the people and things we care most about.

Christina: Erin-

Erin: No. I'm not done. This friendship you keep throwing in my face was over when she betrayed me. The only thing I have left is my career and she tried to take that from me. What part of "I had to protect myself" don't you understand. I'm so sick of being told what to do and how to act and what to feel! I just-

In the middle of me yelling, I got calm and quiet. I know what I have to do.

Erin: You know what, you're right. This is your house and your room. So I'm moving in with Jared and you don't have to worry about me anymore.

Christina: I'm sorry.

Erin: Me too.

I picked up my homework and packed my things. Mostly school clothes and enough for just one week. I zipped up my last bag with the tears running down my face. Christina was crying hard and quietly.

Erin: I'll be back later for my things.

Five minutes later, the car to pick me up was here. I got in with my bags and I burst into tears. No matter what I did, nothing turned out right anymore. I felt my phone vibrate and I answered for Ray. I'm pretty sure he could hear my sniffling.

Ray: What's wrong?

Erin: Nothing. I'm fine.

Ray: Its something wrong. You keep sniffling and your voice is shaky.

Erin: I just-

I put the phone on my shoulder and cried harder. I was coming to the terms that I lost both of my childhood friends.

Ray: Please don't cry.

Erin: I can't help it. It's pretty much all I do anymore.

Ray: What's wrong? Talk to me.

Erin: I...

How could I tell him what happened with Christina? Then I would have to tell him that I was dating Princeton and everything in between.

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