Winter Break Pt. 2

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Khari POV

Kya insisted I visit our parents to let them know I'm ok. I honestly didn't want to because I didn't want trouble. According to her they really missed me and wanted to see me.

I was in the driveway dreading the encounter with my parents. Even if it was gonna be only for 3 hours, I really didn't want to enter my old home.

Kya: You ready?

Khari: Ready as I'll ever be.

She knocked on the door and my little brother Kaden opened it. I have 2 brothers and 3 sisters. Its Khalil (21), Kya (19), Me (17), Kourtney (14), Kaden (10) and Kayla (5). My parents had a lot of "fun" over the years when it came to baby making.

Kaden bum rushed us with hugs. I guess it had been a while since he saw me.

Kaden: I missed you so much.

Khari: I missed you too.

Kya: Hey Kaden.

Kaden: Hey Kya.

He hugged her and held her and as he pulled her into the house. I followed them and locked the doors. I walked deeper into the house and sat in the dining room on my phone.

Lavael: Hello Khari.

Khari: Hello.

Charlene: How are you?

I fought the urge to say "Maybe you'd know if you didn't kick me out." I've gotten good at biting my tongue.

Khari: I'm fine.

Charlene: We missed you on your birthday.

Khari: Yeah, well I was outta town.

Lavael: With that boy?

Khari: If you're referring to Chresanto, then yes, I was with him.

Lavael: Don't get smart with me.

Khari: All I did was answer your question.

Lavael: Girl-

Charlene: So! How is school?

Khari: I have a 3.8.

Charlene: What did you get a B in?

Khari: Swim.

Charlene: Oh, ok. And how is votech?

Khari: Its almost through. Then I'll get my cosmetology license and I'll be on my way to Los Angeles.

Lavael: For what?

Khari: I'm gonna get a job out in California as a cosmetologist. I'll open my own salon and everything.

Lavael: If you're moving out there to be with that boy, then you need to stay your ass right here.

Khari: Why can't I follow my dreams?

Lavael: All you're doing is following a boy! What if he turns on you? Then you're gonna want somebody to come and get you.

Khari: I didn't come here to argue. I just came to say hi, eat and leave.

Lavael: Well you already came here. So since you're so big and bad, leave my food on the table and my house.

Khari: Ok. Fine I'm out!

I stood up and threw my napkin down.

Charlene: Both of y'all stop it right now.

Lavael: I'm not gonna let you disrespect me like that.

Khari: The only ones being disrespected here are me and Roc. Since day one you've been judging him and you've been on my back about it.

Lavael: That's because you're throwing your life away for a few day dreams you let him fill you with.

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