Five Stages of Grief: Stage 2; Anger

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Erin POV

I went back to my old house to get some things. Since my parents lost control of the house, I decided to sell it. But not without one last goodbye.

Ray: You ready to pack it up?

Erin: Yeah.

Ray was nice enough to help me pack it all up. I didn't want anybody else in the house because of how precious Rhyon's things were to me. We went in my room first. My things were going to Jared's apartment and Rhyon's things were going in a storage locker.

I packed up everything from toiletries, to clothes, to shoes to old memories. I went through an old memory box I had in my closet. It was filled with friendship bracelets, old toys, pictures and diaries of mine.

Ray: Whatchu got there?

Erin: Old memories. I remember this one like it was yesterday.

I pointed to a picture of me and Rhyon sleeping face to face as usual. I was only 3 years old and it was a really bad thunderstorm.

I tried to be brave and sleep alone, but I was barely used to the house. The loud thunder made me shoot out of my bed and run into the hallway. I was looking for my parents, but I got confused in the dark.

I ran into Rhyon's room and tried to get on the bed. Her bed was high up and I couldn't reach it.

Erin: Wyan? Wyan?

It wasn't until I was 4 that I could pronounce her name. I tried waking her, but she was a heavy sleeper. I tapped her face and she groaned sleepily.

Erin: Wyan I'm scayered.

Rhyon: You're scared?

She sat up on her elbow and looked down at me. I nodded my head. She grabbed Ms. Peaches from me and helped me up into the bed. The thunder boomed again and I shrieked.

Rhyon: Erin, it's ok! Look at me. Just focus on me.

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