Star, Baby Doll &.......Little E?

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We would've drove all the way to New York, but I forgot that we had a show tomorrow. I turned the car around and we were halfway to Los Angeles. Erin was still sleep, but only because she cried herself to sleep. I know it has to be hard on her to be this young and stressed out. Eventually, she woke up and just in time for me to go to my house and get ready.

She yawned and stretched out on my bed until it was her turn to get in the bathroom. I held my head down and let the water flow over my hair. I couldn't help but over think everything that just happened.

Do I really wanna quit Mindless Behavior? Do I really wanna give up the dream I've been living since I was 12 years old. I admit, if I leave I'll miss it, but is it really worth holding on to. I got out the shower to find Erin brushing her teeth in some new clothes. Thank God I had my towel wrapped around my waist, or this would've been awkward.

Ray: You took a shower?

Erin: Yeah in your mom's room. I left my toothbrush in here so I just brushed in here.

Ray: Alright. Well I'll be done in about 5 minutes and then we can stop to get something to eat.

Erin: Ok.

I came out of my room with some sweat pants and a t shirt so we can rehearse. We had a show tomorrow that would've launched the tour, but I guess since we can't cancel it, we're going through with it. We left my house and stopped to get breakfast burritos and orange juice.

When we got there, everybody was there, including Bre. I figured she wouldn't show up, but I guess I was wrong. Even when I walked in, she was dancing hard as hell.

Ray: What's going on?

Bahja: Well we have a show and the show must go on.

I walked up to Bre and hugged her.

Ray: You ok?

Bre: I will be. I just need to shake it off and kill this performance.

Ray: I know you will.

Bahja: Ok we're in this room and y'all got the other one. We need to have this down pack.

She rushed us out the room and into the other one. We probably went over each song 10 times before we took a break. I sat next to Erin who had been on her phone the entire time and drank some water.

Ray: You ok?

Erin: Yeah. I talked to Jared and he said one never left California and that he'll be here to pick me up in a couple of hours.

Ray: Ok, but are you ok?

Erin: I don't know. I feel numb.

Ray: Numb?

Erin: I can't explain it, but its like the pain is there and I know its there, but I can't feel it anymore.

Ray: What happened to you?

Erin: I don't wanna talk about it now.

Ray: I'm here for you best friend.

I put my hand on her knee and looked in her eyes. She looked at me and I could see the pain in her eyes. What the hell happened to this girl?

Erin: I'm gonna go sit in on the girls and watch them rehearse.

She left and we got back to rehearsing. Hopefully, I'll be able to remember how good it feels to perform.

Erin POV

I watched the girls practice their songs over and over again. I was really amazed by Baby Doll's performance. She had only been out of the hospital for 3 days and was already killing it. Bahja stopped singing and sat down coughing.

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