on one

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meet me in the middle.
Oakland. 7:30PM

Kehlani stepped out the shower of her loft. In her bedroom, another one of her friends was laying on her bed, draped in her sheets. They were planning on going to the club.

It was an observation that she noticed as long as she had someone in her bed, Keh would not be thinking about Solana. After leaving Hayley behind, she forgot all about their evening. What happened in that apartment stayed there. She was starting to adore the single life. Some of her friends, she was enjoying the company of. Especially Teyana.

Tey was a pretty fellow director from Harlem. She was often cooped up in her own work, but Kehlani flew her in. When Teyana found out Kehlani was single, they automatically began to flirt. It was like everyone was opening up to her after the break up. If only Sol could see her now. She smirked confidently as she slid into some jeans and a nice blouse that exposed  her shoulder tattoos. Spinning around, she adored how classic she looked.

Teyana pulled on her panties. "So....what's this about an actress you found."

"She ain't an actress but she's perfect for this movie I'm planning."

"What's this movie about?"

Kehlani reached for her phone on the dresser. "It's about a writer meeting a wondering soul on the streets. Megan is playing the latter, very strong and charming. The writer is impressionable and-"

"This sounds familiar, Lani."

"Don't know what you're talking about." Kehlani began applying her makeup. "Wait til you see her, T. She's a dream come true."

"You crushin'?" Teyana asked, jealousy ringing in her voice.

"Maybe." Kehlani thought about how tall that woman was. How pretty her smile was. How she rocked them bundles. Plus the way she rolled into Kehlani's lap just felt nice. And that ass-

"The fuck is a 'maybe', Keh?"

"Why you drilling me? Don't you have a whole NBA nigga waiting for you in New York?"

Teyana pursed her lips. "Your point?"

"Why you acting like this?" Kehlani asked.

"I ain't acting like anything."

Kehlani put some studs in her ears. "Whatever. You still coming to the club or are you gonna sit up here and facetime your nigga in my bed?"

Teyana pulled her crop top over head. "Yeah. I'm coming with." 

The two made it to her car. Kehlani put on some 90s jams for the road. Tey loved to sing along. She always loved how Tey sounded and she sang along, loving how they harmonized perfectly together. Yeah, she was definitely getting another round tonight if she wasn't tripping. The club was jumping per usual. The bouncers stood outside and Kehlani gave them her name and they got quicker access than the 20 people standing outside. It was a sweet sense of privilege. Kehlani felt like she was living on top of the world. 

When she walked in, she quickly entered the VIP section where she knew Tyler was with his many boyfriends. She grabbed Teyana's hand and led her to the table. A grill was in Tyler's teeth and it made him look like a crunk rapper from the early 2000's. Kehlani shook his hand. "You know what I'm here for." 

"A drink?" 

Kehlani scoffed. 

"Oh...you wanted Thee Stallion...she was expecting you tonight." He handed Kehlani a special key. "I didn't know you were bringing Spike Tey as a plus one." 

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