80 - Lola

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This is the second of a double update.

Kristi looked poised to respond, but Gabby appeared carrying two big brown paper bags by the handles. Patrick took them from her right away and she went back in the garage for the fried food.

Kristi put the melted butter in little dishes and carried them out to the deck. They always ate lobster outside. It was too messy for the house, and it was part of the experience. He brought the lobsters outside, but the rest of the food stayed in the kitchen. People could serve themselves.

He called the kids first, including Hannah, the birthday girl. Ryder took a lot of chicken, and Patrick hoped he ordered enough. He would send the kids up for more if necessary. He was honestly trying to like him.

He sat down with Hannah and her friends at a folding table set up in the yard. Hannah expertly cracked the claws of her lobster. It was early in the season, so the shells were hard and needed crackers. Thankfully Kristi had brought over both hers and the Brenner's.

"So are you working this summer," he asked, not specifically directing his question to any of her friends.

Lexie nodded. "I work at Hannaford." He ordered online for pickup from the local supermarket and rarely went in.

Lexie's boyfriend said, "I work at Marios."

He turned to Ryder. "I have a lead on something part time."

"What's that?" Patrick wondered why he hadn't already been working.

"Helping in the art studios."

Lexie's boyfriend laughed, but Hannah didn't notice.

"How many hours will you work?"

He shrugged. "A couple of hours a day. I guess."

"That hardly seems enough to get by."

Patrick remembered Hannah imploring him to be nice to Ryder, even though he grew up poor. He would expect a kid from a struggling family to work full time and not hang out on the beach with his hands all over Patrick's daughter.

Kristi sat down next to him. Probably to chaperone or keep the peace. Maybe he shouldn't have told her about his argument with Tessa. He was being selfish because he didn't want to have to deal with Hannah if she was a brat again. Tessa assured him it was a gift card to her favorite mall store, according to Gabby. She also argued that Hannah would find fault if she hadn't given her a present. She understood Hannah better than he did.

He relented. They kissed and made up just before Tessa packed up the girls to go home. After the Fourth of July, he convinced her to sleepover again the night before. Between her girl's bedtime and his kids curfew, they had so little alone time. Hannah barged into his room again to let him know she was home. It was interesting since she didn't like Tessa in his bed. Chloe had woken him climbing into bed. The girl had planted herself between them as if it was the most natural thing. It felt right. Tessa felt right especially when they made love. He was fooling himself if he thought it was just sex. At some point it had become more.

He looked at his phone again, and Kristi once again raised her eyebrows. He was worried about Tessa because her sisters were also going to be at her parents'. She wasn't close to them, and it was the first time she would see them since they had met. He would have liked to be there with her. Would she have even invited him? He had Hannah's party. The party she helped to plan but hadn't been invited to.

He focused on Hannah. She explained her trip to California to her friends. In less than two weeks, his kids were leaving for their annual trip. In the past, he dreaded the weeks they were gone, but he wasn't. He hoped he could convince Tessa to spend the time together. He would stay at her house if it was easier. He just wanted to be with her. The more time he spent with her, the easier it was to envision a future.

Hannah continued. "I can't wait to tell Lola, my mother's mother all about his girlfriend."

Patrick's and Kristi's eyes met. If he could read minds, he knew she was telling him to stay calm. He stood and threw his plate with lobster shells in the garbage can. He walked away, but felt dread as he did it. He hadn't told his mother-in-law about Tessa, and it needed to be done.

Patrick breathed a sigh of relief when the last guest left. Kristi stayed behind to help him clean up. "Are you okay?"

He nodded. His kids had taken off to the beach with their friends. "I haven't told Lola."

Kristi put her hand on his shoulder. "Good luck."

"Do you think she'll be angry?"

"She was her daughter."

"She never forgave me for dragging her across the country."

"Just be glad your kids are old enough they can have a relationship with her without you being involved."

Patrick sighed. "I just hope she doesn't add fuel to Hannah's fight."

"You need to tell her and hope she understands. If not, I'd warn that doctor you are paying for Hannah to talk to."

Kristi was right and rather than dwelling on it. After she left, he made the call he was dreading. It was necessary to give her details on the kids' arrival.

The older woman was excited about her visit with her grandchildren. He took a deep breath and told her he was seeing someone. His heart beat as he only heard silence. He was trying to think of something to say to make it easier.

"What do my grandchildren think of this?"

"Gabby and Kevin like her. Hannah is struggling. She plans to tell you all about it. She doesn't understand my promises to Erica."

"I remember you making promises you didn't intend to keep. You changed your mind?"

"I did. I don't want to be alone." When she didn't respond, he continued. "Hannah is still struggling with her grief. She's seeing a counselor. I want her to be in a better place when I send her off to school."

"I know you're trying. If only you hadn't moved so far away."

He refused to argue with her. She had been complaining for sixteen years. His phone clicked. Tessa was calling him. He said, "I'll send you their flight information. I'd suggest you call Hannah to wish her happy birthday, but she's on the beach with her boyfriend."


"She's eighteen and going off to college."

She asked, "Do we like this boy?"

Patrick lied. "Yes."

He hung up. He had been waiting to talk to Tessa all day.

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