The trade ❤

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I hurried up and turned the tv off when the news went off and sat in silence thinking. The names seemed mad familiar now that I thought about it . I tried to make a connection with the names in my mind but I couldn't . As I was thinking my mom opened the door and walked in .

"Hey ma." I said.

"Hey Toni & Will." She said waving, walking to her room. While she was walking away it suddenly clicked . Jerry & Kelyn sometimes sold to my mom . that's why the names were familiar .

"Ma!" I yelled . She turned around and stared at me confused .

"Jerry & Kelyn." I whispered to myself trying to put the pieces together . "Ma don't you know Kelyn and Jerry." I asked . she started playing with her fingers and I instantly knew that she knew something that I didn't .

I stepped closer to her so I could tell if she was lying.

"Do you know why Jerry and Kelyn were after Khia?" I asked her looking her in the eye . She stared back at me and burst into tears.

"I didn't mean for anybody to get hurt . I swear it was supposed to be me not her. " She cried.

"So what happened ma?" I asked getting impatient.

"I went to jerry to pay some debt but I only had half the money so he tried to beat me but I ran ." She cried. "Him and Kelyn hot in they car and chased me so I ran in the nearest building. Your friend was it there and they ended up getting her instead of me ! "

I just stood still taking in the story. My sister is dead because of my mom's drug addiction. I got so angry. Before I could think I had slapped my ma right across the face.

"This is your fault! if you'd been the parent you were supposed to be this wouldn't have happened. " I cried while Will held me back .

"I know, I'm so sorry ." She said wiping her tears .

I couldn't even stand to be around her so I went in my room . Will walked into my room rubbing his head . I just turned over on my pillow and liked at the wall . Soon enough I felt his arms around me , & his light snoring .


After getting off the phone with Toni I went and fixed me some Ramen noodles . I sat down and started eating and Marquis came and sat across from me. He stared at me for a long time until I got irritated.

"Why you in my face?" I asked .

"Shakyla what are we?" He asked. "Cause you got me feeling like I'm ya nigga when I'm really not." I sat quietly. I didn't know what to tell him. I'm hesitant about Marquis because if his previous actions so I don't know how to feel.

"Shakyla I need to know." He said .

"I don't know, I really don't . I don't know if you'll do me wrong again . So I don't know ." I said.

"Man whatever, this the bullshit I be talking about. Can't never be straight up about how you feel & shit . I love you shakyla but how you feel about me?" he asked.

"I love you too but--" I said before being cut off .

"It shouldn't be a 'but' It's simple. But whatever ain got time for you right now shakyla." He said getting up and leaving .

"Fuck em we ball " I whispered to myself . He'll be back anyways . I took my noodles to the living room and watched tv for the remainder of the day. Another Boring Saturday night.

**The next day** (sunday)


When I woke up it was early in the morning. I looked over at the clock and saw that it was 6:59A.m. Too damn early . I looked Around the room noticing Will had disappeared. Whatever.

I laid in bed for a few more hours then I got up and put on some clothes . I fixed me a bowl of froot loops, & sat in front of the tv to watch little Einsteins. After that went if I grabbed my house keys and left .

When I got to shakyla's door I just opened it and walked in. No need to knock I'm suh. When I walked in Shakyla was making a snapchat video. When she saw me she turned the camera towards me .

"Wesssup snapchat yall go add me @baddest.toni ." I said before the video went off .

"What you doing here? " Shakyla asked.

" Oh damn can't come to see suh ? o k." I said.

"Ian eem say that . But guess what happened last night she said scrolling her Snapchat.

"what?" I asked .

" Well Marquis got mad and left lastnight . It's was over some bullshit. " She said starting deep in her phone, watching people's snapchats .

" & the bullshit was about ? ....." I waited for the whole story.

"Well basically cause I don't know what to tell him when he asks what we are . I mean I honestly don't know. I'm not tryna move to fast knowing how he is/was or whatever" She explained.

"I feel ya suh . move at ya own pace." She said . While I was talking shakyla looked at her phone side ways. "What?" I asked walking over to Shakyla to see what she was looking at.

Shakyla POV

Toni walked over and looked at my phone with me . As soon as she'd got over to me the Snapchat was over. I scrolled down to Marquis' name & tapped to watch his story again. I noticed that the snapchats I had added to his story yesterday were deleted. oh that's wasssup ? When I got to the Snapchat I moved the phone so Toni could see also .

On the snapchat it was Marquis & some girl at dinner or some shit . I wasn't mad . Cause maybe it was just dinner .

" Damn I know good & well he didn't. " Toni said sitting down & pulling out her phone.

"Maybe it's just dinner Toni." I Explained. I always give people the benefit of the doubt.

"Nah , b . This ain't just dinner . " Toni said flipping her phone towards me Showing Marquis' instagram. It was a picture of him & some girl & the caption said some shot then it was like "I love you" .

I took a deep breath & went to another picture that said #WCE . Oh fuck no. He was just here yesterday & now he "Love" Somebody else. I was pure hot mad. I went to twitter & saw some more shit that mad it worse.

It ain't the fact that he got a girlfriend . I could care less about that . it's the fact that he came out of nowhere & didn't even warn me. & I know they've been fooling around for a minute cause love just don't fall out the sky .

No pressure though. Cause I knew How Marquis was from the jump. It's whatever . It's my fault for caring too much.

"You aight ? why you crying?" Toni asked. I didn't even realize I was crying until then. I wasn't even crying because I was sad . It was more because I was angry. I went to my room and slammed my door to think .After a few minutes Toni called my name.

"Yes ?" I stepped down the hall .

" C'mere. " She said. I heard her another voice. When I stepped closer I saw she was on Facetime with Marquis . She turned the camera in my direction so I walked away .

"Marquis why you did that shit man?" I heard Toni ask .

"Cause I'm Marquis duh." he Said . I walked in my room & slammed the door and took a nap .


**Was marquis wrong , or is it shakyla's fault? **

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short chapter . I know I'm sorry .

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