No Name pt.1

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I sat with my head I'm my hands for what felt like years . All I could think about was what I've done. It was scaring me even more that she'd been in the back so long . My eyes were burning from the hours of crying in the waiting room. It was now 12 a.m and the waiting room was near empty .

"Family of Ms. Toni." The doctor announced. My head shot up towards him and I got up walking to the door he was by . I Got more and more nervous . My palms were now sweating horribly. The doctor made Several twist and turns making us go deep into the Hospital .

We walked and walked until we came to a long glass room full of glass boxes . The doctor instructed me to get some of the hand sanitizer by the door before he led me in . I was confused and scared .

The doctor walked me to one of the boxes. It had a little baby in it . A little Little small girl . She was about the size of both of my hands put together. The sight of her brought tears to my eyes. She had tubes running in her nose & something on her chest. This was my fault . She was only in the womb for 5 months. I tried to contained my tears.

"She's Very premature and her lungs didn't have time to develop. " The doctor spoke. "But this machine here is her Lungs, for now until she grows." The doctor said pointing to one of the machines Connected to the baby. I cried even more knowing that this was my fault.

"Where's Toni?" I asked crying a little more . Thugs don't cry but right now I don't care. I doctor signaled for me to follow her . We exited the Premature Ward and walked further down in the hospital. We took a elevator down to the basement and my heart dropped. The morgue Was in the basement . To my Suprise the Doctor took me into a little office .

I took a seat in a chair as the doctor went to his printer to get some paper. I felt a little better knowing we weren't going to the morgue. The doctor got the printed sheets and hung them in the X-ray light.

"So mr...." The doctor waited for my name.

"Will." I said .

"Mr. Will . Toni suffered from severe head trauma and internal bleeding . Sge always had broken ribs and Lost a lot of blood from her early delivery. " The doctor explained.

"So where is she ?" I asked the doctor getting impatient. The doctor looked down which signaled that it wasn't good.

"Shes across the hall in the Morgue. Mr. Will Toni was already dead when she got here. We did everything we could but there was nothing we could do. I'm sorry for your loss." The doctor said. I literally felt my heart break . It felt like somebody knocked air out of me. It felt like the world was just lost.

I put my head back down in my hands and hoped that it was a bad nightmare and that I'd wake up Soon . After I didn't I realized reality . I realized what I'd done. I just killed the woman of my world for what? She didn't deserve it . None of it . My jealousy caused her to have a short life .

"You may view her body if you'd like to." The doctor said Interrupting my thoughts . I stood up and walled across the hall to the morgue door . he swiped the I.D card and the green light flashed.
He pushed the heavy door open slowly .

There was about 12 bodies scattered through out the cold room . Toe tags on each one . For some reason it didn't scared me . The doctor walked over to a Sheet covered body and pulled back the sheets. Toni's purple, Blue-black face was revealed . I felt my heart being stabbed again . She had bruise wounds all over her body . Her eyes were black and her lips were purple.

The doctor stepped out to go do something I guess. I grabbed Toni's hand but instantly dropped it when I felt her rough stiff skin . She was so cold she felt like ice.

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