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Finally Will decided to take me baby shopping so here we were in the mall. We had just left children's place. We got all types of onesies and coats since the baby would be due around February .

Now we were in some Maternity store getting me some clothes since I'd out grown my own . I honestly hated everything in this store but I had no other choice .

Every outfit in the store looked like it were made for some Old white woman . They had a few cute outfits though . I flipped through the racks picking up the cute stuff while Will played being childish around the store . He can be so childish sometimes .

He ran by me giggling with a breast feeding bra strapped to his head . Lord help me. I snatched his shirt and snatched him back getting a little mad .

"Will what the hell is wrong with you acting like you fucking 2 take that shit off your head and act you age." I snapped in a whispering voice . He slowly unhooked the bra and sat it on a nearby shelf . He looked like his feelings were hurt . I didn't mean to hurt his feelings it's just that he been acting like he don't have home training all day and I was tired of constantly having to tell him to stop playing .

I rolled my basket full of clothes to the cash register and began unloading it . The Lady at the cash register rang up everything . and it came to a total of 649.43$. I quickly turned towards Will and waited for him to pay for it . . . He just stood there looking at me .

"Will the lady said $649.43." I said .

"I heard her." he said blankly.

"So ... we waiting." I said shifting my weight to my right leg .

"So I'm waiting too ." He said . I guess he had a little attitude about me calling him childish . I gave him a death glare and he gave me one right back .

"$648.43 ." The cashier said breaking our glare .

"Oh yea . My bad." I said Grabbing 7 hundred dollar bills out of PINK wallet . I mean I could've paid for it it was nothing because I have money saved just incase Something ever happens to Will . I guess he forgot . I got my change and put my bags in the stroller that we'd bought in Children's place . I hurried and pushed the stroller out of the store and Quickly made my way to the elevator trying to get as far away from Will's bitch ass as I could.

When the elevator doors opened I pushed my stroller into it and hit the close button . Just when the door was closing A hand stopped it . I rolled my eyes knowing it was Will . But it wasn't ... it was someone else . he was soooo fine . I think I'd seen him around school a few times . Had curly hair but it was freshly cut into a temp fade . Yasss . Light skin & tall . Lips just sexy as hell . I think he realized that I was Mentally undressing him .

"You must see some you like lil shawty?" He asked . Oh lawd the voice . Just life .

"I don't know what you talking about . I said hitting the button to take me to the 3rd floor .

"rightttt." He said sarcastically. He smiled and his dimples appeared sending chills through my body .

"Yea whatever I gues-" The elevator Came to a I stand stop Causing me to jump .

"what the hell . " I mashed the buttons trying to make the elevator move . "fuck." I was trying to make it to the food court because I was starving . Just my luck .

"It's not gonna open." The boy laughed .

"Whatever nigga." I rolled my eyes and sat down by my stroller .

"Bryson." he said out if nowhere .

"What ?" I looked up confused .

"my name is bryson lil shawt." He said licking his lips . LAWDDD.

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