Destiny's child

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If you were minee I'd swim ocean wide just to be by your side . Girl I'm serious. No need to flex. Girl I'll put you up next . I want more than your sex girl I'm serious.  I don't want beyonce & I don't want Michelle.  Youuuuu know who you are you're my super star ❤ - Jacquees


I looked at the time on my phone then back at the window. Marquis still hadn't got here and it was 9:40 something. I had all my things packed and pushed to the wall in my room . I never realized how much shit I had until today. it's crazy . There's no way imma get all this there in 1 night. So I packed a lil bag with a few outfits and we'll come back for the rest later .

"Yo Lil boyfriend/Baby's Daddy left you hanging huh?"  My mom asked leaning in my room laughing .

"I don't know why you just didn't listen to me and leave that no good boy alone. But you didn't that's too bad cause now you're pregnant AND homeless." She said shaking her head. Right when she was done talking I heard a horn honk. I look out the window to see Marquis getting out of his car .

"who left who hanging?" I asked my mom smirking . She didn't say anything so I went and opened the door for Marquis . We got everything that I'd need for about a week and left . My mama was shocked as fuck . I guess she didn't thing I'd go through with it .

The car ride was long and akwardly silent . I didn't tell marquis what happened and he didn't ask. So that's that I guess .

When we got to Marquis' House we got out and he got my bags out of the car. He dropped my stuff off in his room and went to the bathroom. While he was gone I pushed my bags to the very back of the closet, making it look neat.

"So what happened?" Marquis asked scaring the shit out of me .

"I didn't know you were in here." I said catching my breathe.

"Not gonna answer my question?" He asked.

"What do you mean. My mama put me out so I'm here . simple." I said .

"Oh cool cool. Well imma go tell my grandma wassup. You can get comfortable I guess." He said jogging out of the room . Marquis lived with his Grandma since his mama died some years ago. His grandma (Catherine) is blind Marquis basically lives alone.

"Aight she know she said it's whatever." He said coming back into the room.

"Okay." I said climbing into his bed. I was so tired that I instantly fell asleep .

I woke up the next morning with Marquis' arms wrapped around me. I rolled my eyes. This nigga here. I pried his hands from around me and got up and got a outfit out . after picking out my clothes I got in the shower .

I put on a white crop top and some high waisted Acid wash shorts. i felt cute as hell. I checked the time seeing that it was only 7:24 in the morning.
I still have time to eat before school.  Today's the first day back and I'm ready . I've been out for like a week since all this shit has happened.  it's crazy . like a week ago I was getting ready for school with my suhs and now one is gone.  I tried to push it to the back of my mind so I called Toni. 

She didn't answer her phone went directly to voicemail. Bruh. I got Super desperate and just called Will.

"Hello?" He said answering, sounding sleepy as hell.

"Have you talked to Toni cause I been trying all night and she going straight to voicemail ?" I asked. 

" Ya she with me. " He yawned. "Why wassup? "

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