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School's coming up soon & we still haven't talked to tati . When she see us she'll just look down at her phone & act like we're not there . Look down game strong as fuck . But i honestly don't think I did anything wrong she salty at me well us for no reason . The shit she did to Toni was just wrong . She knew how much Toni loved Will . But I guess you can't trust these hoes . Even the ones that you think you can trust .

It took Toni the rest of the summer to get over it but she did and I'm glad cause we start school in 2 days & we don't need to go into highschool with drama .

"Yall ready?" Khia asked breaking me from my thoughts . I looked over at Toni who nodded . We were about to make a few last minute pick ups for school at the mall . We each had about $50 . We planned to walk out the mall with way more stuff than that tho.

"Yea " Toni & I said together .

"Aight let's ride" khia said getting her bag . We walked to the Marta bus stop in front of Dogwood Heights.  We had to take the bus now since my mama caught me taking her keys a few weeks ago . She keeps them with her at all times now .

When the bus pulled up we put our change in the machine thingy and got our tickets going to sit down . The ride was silent while we're were each on our phones . I was playing that game AA . I heard Toni's phone playing the candy crush song and khia was listening to some drake . Smh bitch stay in her feelings.

When we got to the mall we pulled the little string and the bus stopped . We hopped off the bus fixing our hair and checking ourselves in our Littles mirrors .

"Alright yall ready ?" Khia asked we nodded . "Yall know the deal hit the lil stores first then the pic shit. & most importantly. DONT get CAUGHT " she said reciting the same instructions as always . Yes we were about to steal . It's nothing new . Gotta stay fresh & where we live that's hard so we gone look good by any means necessary. 

We entered the mall and hit up Hollister first . We split up and walked in . Khia was across the store in my sight and waited for Toni to make her move . Suddenly we saw Toni walk towards the cash register in the back of the store with a bikini .

She tripped on the corner if a display table while she was walking and screamed loudly for help as all the employees surrounded her . I looked at khia, khia looked at me.  We immediately started tearing security tags off the clothes grabbing all sizes . Then we pulled out the trash bags and started stuffing them .

"Owww don't touch it . I think it's broken" Toni snapped at the employees trying to lift her . They were trying so hard to calm her down that they didn't even notice us slip out of the store with the big bags . Jugggg season. Me and khia ran to the backside of the mall flying through the back door before anyone saw us . We went to the bushes on the side, hid the bags and waited . Soon enough my phone rang .

"Hello" I said .

"Hey this is michaela from Hollister, I'm here with your friend Toni and she had a injury and needed help getting home . She said she came with you so I was wondering if you could come help her" the woman said . I was resisting my laugh . Toni is too good at this .

"Yea . You said Hollister right" I played along .

"Yes . Upstairs beside the nail place" she said .

"Okay tell Toni I'm on my way" I said hanging up the phone . Alright that's my cue . We walked back into the mall casually . When we made it back to Hollister I saw Toni . In the same place .

"Om my gosh TONI!" I said all dramatic .

"I'm fine . Just take me home" she acted .

"Again I'm so sorry . I'm the manager . Here's a gift card " the michaela girl said handing Toni the card .

"Yea whatever . Don't be sorry hoe be careful or next time it's a lawsuit" Toni warned . Michaela just nodded and went back behind the counter . I grabbed Toni and wrapped her arms around my shoulder and helped her limp out of the store . When we were far enough she moved herself and started walking .

"So what we get? " she asked .

"We looking at a good 2 months worth of shit if not more" I answered .

"Ohhhhh good we done for today then . I got 100$ on this gift card" she said waving the card .

"Yasss bitch yassss" I yelled . "Let's go get our nails did then . We went and got our nails did and ate with the 4o something dollars we had left . I got my nails baby blue with sparkles on my middle finger (mmpicture ). When we were done we went to the bushes and got the trash bags and headed to the bus stop .

When we got home we went to my house (since my mom's never home) to sort out what we got . We had everything in sizes 2-4 which was our sizes . When we sorted our sizes we each had :

-15 pairs of shorts

-6 pairs of sandals

-21 shirts

-10 pairs of jeans

-6 jackets

-12 pairs of underwear

-17 tank tops 

-26 pairs of leggings/tights

EACH . We did really good today . Then to top it all off we had about 100$ worth of left over stuff that we can sell . Tati is the only one of us who as stuff handed to her the rest of us have to go get it . It ain't right but I refuse to be a look like a bum . And my mama ain't gone give it to me so I gotta get it on my own .


After hauling all my shit back to my apartment I put it in with my other clothes & cleaned up a little . Since my mama or daddy wasn't home I decided to cook me lil some . I was standing over the stove when I heard a knock at the door . Probably a crack head or some . Nothing out the usual . But something told me to go open the door so I did & saw the unexpected . Will.

I didn't know how I feel . I hadn't talked to will in a few weeks since he admitted what he did with Tati. He said they only had oral sex but it doesn't matter it's still wrong . I still hadn't forgiven him . And here he stood right in front of me . I didn't know how to feel . Part of me missed him and the other part wanted to go get a knife and cut him . My thoughts were interrupted when Will crashed his lips onto mine kissing me wildly .

Wait what . Is will really kissing me? Am I letting him ? Fuck it ian Gone stop him . I thought to myself . I missed him so much I couldn't stop myself . Will lifted me up and wrapped my legs around his waist shutting my front door and carried me to my room still kissing me . God give me the strength to stop. I needed to stop but I didn't want to .

Will laid me on the bed never breaking the kiss in the process. I moaned making him stop and smile .

"I missed you" he whispered.  Lawd that voice alone just did it .

"I missed you too" I said back . Bitch noooo stop . Why you say that? I sighed getting frustrated . "Will you gotta go" I said listening to my inner voice. 

"Why ? You know you miss me . Yea I fucked up I'm sorry" he said trying to kiss me .

"Will you need to go now . Seriously . I'll talk to you later or something ." I said . I couldn't take him right now I don't know how to feel . I'm only 15 and confused about my life . Lol what is life .

" ight imma give you ya space and talk to you at school tomorrow aight ?" He asked .

"Yea I guess" he said .

"ight ma . I love you" he said getting off of me .

"Yea okay bye" I said walking him to the door . As soon as he walked out the door I missed him . I'll be okay . In less than 2 minutes I had my phone to my ear .

"Hello ?" He said .

"Come back" I said hanging up the phone . In about 4 minutes I heard a knock at the door . I opened it and attacked Will with kisses . He was right . I did . Miss him . He carried me to my room . . . Again . But this time he gave me what I had been missing .

Dogwood HeightsHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin