Chapter 22

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"Ugh, stop whining and get out of the car already!" Andrew got annoyed at me once we reached his friend's house where there was supposedly a party.

I, of course, preferred to stay in my safe zone where I would be securely guarded from everyone's attention. Though I had anticipated it would be pretty lonely in his car all by myself. I still would have definitely rather been there than at that stupid party where there were dozens of horny and drunk teens grinding on each other. And if I'm being honest, I didn't actually think I would have had much fun in there. I mean, I didn't even know anyone that was at this event so it didn't make much sense to me why Andrew was being so persistent. Maybe there could have been some kids from school but I was not that close with any of them so I'd basically be dead weight by his side.

"But," I complained and started begging. "Pleasee... I don't want to go there. I'll just be lonely all night while you have fun with your friends. You're so selfish!"

I'm going to be completely sincere and tell you that there was another reason why I didn't want to go to that party and that was because of my previous experience. I already went to this sort of an event 2 years ago with Lucy and got drunk and next thing I knew, I was in my bed, alone.

Well, now that I think about it that does actually sound way less exciting than it did in my head. Anyhow, I was still oppose to going, and there was nothing that would be able to change my mind about that.

I know exactly what's going to happen if I open that door. Andrew's going to leave me just as Lucy did all those years ago. He'll find some girl to fool around with and I'll end up in the corner staring at my phone, desperately trying to escape from my worst nightmare – the society.

Or worse. I'll get drunk again and who knows what kind of embarrassing thing I do this time. I am not taking any more chances with alcohol that's for sure. Not after what I've seen it do to my father through all these years. Alcoholism is basically in my veins and if I drink once I may not be able to stop ever again.

"What?" Andrew opened his mouth and squeezed his eyebrows together as if he got offended by my words. "No, I'm not selfish! I'm doing this for you, so that maybe you remember..."

He suddenly stopped, making my eyes widen in shock.

What the heck does this guy keep blabbing about? Why is he constantly saying that I forgot something instead of just giving me the information that he clearly already has? Like c'mon, seriously dude, just tell me if there's something you want me to know. He's being so unnecessarily vague for no definite reason whatsoever.

Besides it's not like I have an amnesia or anything. I have a pretty okay memory. Honestly, this constant pressure is getting kind of annoying now. What does he want from me? I don't get it. If there is something that I don't remember and he does why doesn't he just come up to me and tell me? Taking me to a party isn't going to fix anything.

"Remember what? Just spit it out already and stop being so silly." I was so frustrated that he kept doing this I wanted to strangle him. And also I was a tiny bit curios about what he was referring to as my alleged forgotten memory.

"Nothing..." Andrew brushed off my question as if it was nothing, and maybe it was for him. Perhaps this was one of his elaborate plans to torture me but little did he know I was not as easily tempted as he thought. "Just get out of the car already and stop acting like a child."

Oh, I'm the one who's acting like a child? You have got to be kidding me. He's such a moron, I can't even... UGH!

"I don't wanna!" I insisted.

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